I am new to this site but not new to the world of adoption. I have always known that I was adopted as a newborn. I also knew that my birth mother was very young. I grew up telling myself that she probably had to or was told to give me up. I have never had any ill feelings or feelings of abandonment feeling in regards to my adoption. I had a truly happy upbringing and I am a part of a wonderful family. I had some questions about where I came from but also some fears. I halfheartedly looked for my birth mom once as I had her name, although I didnt have much luck. I lost my adoptive mom when I was almost 27, this loss was devistaing to me. I am now just about to reach 30. I very recently received more information about my birth mom. My best friend was able to find her within 30 minutes. Bam....I have another family! Two sisters, and a brother. This was so unbelievably shocking! I grew up an only child so this news was amazing. I very nervously reached out to my Birth Mom and she replied right away. She had never told anyone. Her family did not know. She has been telling her family one by one who are all accepting me with open arms. I feel so very lucky! This has all happened through facebook over the last week. It has been very overwhelming! They seem like truly winderful people! She never thought I was coming back. We have been communicating but it is all consuming for me and I have had to focus on not letting it take over. Any advise on how my birth family is feeling would be welcome. I am taking this one step at a time. I dont want to overwhelm them as this has to be very difficult for her to come to tearms with. My sister is also getting married in a couple weeks so I dont want to overshadow her day. I still do not know who my birthfather is. I will let her tell me when she is ready. Her current husband has been very accepting and caring. There has been a hole in my heart that I found out was there when it was filled. This is so very amazing!