I am not sure how to ask this question but I will try and word it with some sort of intelligence! :)
I am a single adoptive mom of three children that were born in Guat. Adopted at 6 1/2 mos, 9 mos, and 18 mos.
Here is my question or situation...Is this normal?
I got divorced a couple of years ago, my children are 8, 6, and 6.
I am engaged to a man who is a wonderrful father figure and spends most of his time with us at our home.
He is concerned about 2 of the children because when it comes to their interaction with people that come to our home they are always all over the guest and even pesty if you will, wanting the person's attention the whole time. This applies to new people, relatives, and frends of ours.
He has asked if it has to do with being "adopted" and seeking approval to fill a void....???....That an adoptive child may have that tendency because somewhere deep down it effects them even if it is unconscious...
Please don't throw darts at me if I haven't worded this correctly...I have tried to be dilpomatic in my question and forgive me if any of it isn't PC ok?
They are very social and have lots of friends and do many things and are very active.
They have also been through many life changes including the divorce, leaving their life long church, and going from homeschooled children to public school...
Otherwise they are pretty normal and well adjusted kids. Maybe it's just the way some kids are..???....
Thank you for any input, advice, or opinions!
Laura Jean
PS- Maybe I should update my timeline huh? LOL
I think the concern would relate to Attachment to a primary caregiver. Do they seem to be "mom shopping" or willing to walk away with a stranger without much of a glance back at you? Are they receptive to affection on YOUR terms (not just their own)? Do they make good eye contact with you? How do they accept discipline and affection?
Anyways- -just keep your eyes open for concerns, and find a good qualified therapist if you think they need it