How long were you fostering before your LR or pre-adopt was placed?
How old was the kiddo when they were placed?
How long did the process take?
Whew! That is it for now, although I'm sure I'll think of more later.
We got our first 3, about two weeks after our last homestudy visit. A sibling group of 3, they were eventually adopted. Came at 2, almost 4, and just turned 5. They were adopted at 6, 7, and 8 yrs old. We also adopted #4, came at 14 mos, adopted at 3.5, and #6, came at 2 months, adopted at 26 mos. Each case for them lasted around 3 1/2 years. Our two that were reunified was 10-11 months. #5 was the brother of our older three, but he went back to bio mom.