I need to make what is a very long story somewhat short, but it's story that spans years, and alot of ups and downs, and a not so great ending. I am an adult adopted daughter, 40 years old. I met my birth parents when I was 26 after an exhaustive heart wrenching search for 8 years that concluded with a phone call from a social worker that excitedly blurted out my whole bio history to me in an unexpected phone call 2 weeks before I was to be married. 2 hours later I was in his office looking at a picture of these people I imagined in my mind my entire life. What a life changing day that was.
It turns out my bio-parents married less than a year after giving me up and I have 2 full siblings, not much younger than me at all. My bio-mother and father wanted to meet me. We lived half a country apart, but we did meet and it was wonderful, with mixed emotions of course, a very difficult time and as well as a wonderful time, it helped my heart so much to heal and understand, I found out my story. I had a good childhood, but nothing could make me forget that there was another family/mother out there.
They told their children, who were adults as well at the time (we were all in our 20's), and even though it was at times awkward and emotionally difficult to process, I felt accepted by all. As the years went by, it always seemed like I was the one to initiate contact with my mother (the main person I talked to all the time), whether it be a phone call, a email etc, a visit, it was always me first, and then a very positive return on the other end, but never a give and take that you expect in normal relationships. My birth mother never called my house once in 5 years, I always called her. We'd have long easy going conversations, but it was always me that called.
Well, life got busy, I moved (even further away), had a baby, I sent them lots of pictures and emails and there was always a positive response, but we didn't actually meet in person again after my move for years (and it wasn't a money issue). When my son turned 2, my husband and I were in a terrible accident that left my husband in a wheelchair for a year, me, I was minimally injured, but was left alone to handle my son, our business, his treatments etc. Life got really hectic. My adoptive mother came out to live with us and help. I never received any support from her for my search since I was a teen, actually just the opposite. When she found out that they were an intact family, she refused to even look at a picture of them, screamed at me about not sharing me with them, etc. Long story there, but I think other adoptees with unsupportive parents have all had to endure similar treatment.
I can't fully explain it now, but during that time (approx 2003) I was so stressed due to the accident, and my a-mom was helping so much, and all these years (6 years) of me just initiating with my bio-mom made me kind of resentful (?) of her lack of initiating in the relationship. It made me question whether she got off the phone with me and just rolled her eyes and sighed, wishing I never called, and why wasn't I taking the hint. And I was hardly obsessive, I would call maybe once or twice a month and email maybe every 2-4 weeks just to keep in touch. She would reply and be very positive and warm and happy, but that was it. She never initiated. So I got it in my head that I would just stop, stop cold, stop calling, emailing etc and see how long it took for HER to initiate a call to me. And - in a twisted way I was "obeying" my adoptive mom's wishes for no contact, being a good daughter at the same time, given how much my adoptive mom had done for us after the accident. Switching allegiances, so to say. It was kind of messed up.
I waited, and waited and waited for my bio mom to call. No call from her, from any of them. Birthdays went by, holidays, etc. A year, 2 years. FOUR years later, I couldn't let it go, I was angry, but I missed them, I missed contact with my bio-mom and I felt like time was just going by. I was denying my then 6 year old son a family and grandparents he never knew existed. So after 4 long years I emailed her out of the blue at Christmas 2007, told her I missed her and everyone and wanted to talk. And she responded right away. It wasn't until next summer in 2008 we re-united in person. It was wonderful again, I had missed her, my son got to meet his grandmother, we had a great time, everything seemed good again. My biofather was not as happy about it, he didn't like that I didn't contact them in such a long time, he felt "abandoned". He didn't come for the visit. I didn't get into the fact that I was "testing" them and they failed, I didn't want to ruffle feathers, I just told my bio family that my adoptive family was really pressuring me not to have a relationship, and I had to work through that. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the full truth either. I didn't have the courage to just ask her straight why it seemed so one sided. I think she would have denied it, and it just felt weird to ask someone why they don't call you. I was getting mixed messages from her.
We stayed in communication though. Less than a year later (2009 now), I went to see them all, siblings too. It was wonderful, the best time I have ever had, we laughed and enjoyed eachother company. My bio-parents saying this was a new chapter in our relationship, finally it's "our time" and I was fully their "daughter". We took family photos, all was good. I stayed in contact with my mother and siblings through facebook and email, she was a little bit more initiative about calls, maybe she just matured and felt more comfortable about it, but not much. But then her son said she was the same way with him, so I tried after all these years not to take it personally.
We went to see them again a year later, now 2010. Everything was different. My biofather was distant and cold, my biomother seemed stressed and just putting on an act of politeness. My father was verbally abusive during my stay, calling me names, giving me looks, criticizing how I raised my son (over things like me pouring his salad dressing for him so he wouldn't spill it, crazy stuff). I literally went to bed crying every night (and I am not a crier). I was 3000 miles from home in a remote place, trapped in their home. The tension everyday was like nothing I have ever experienced. My son felt abused by my bio father, just by his coldness and lack of willingness to talk to him or even acknowledge his presence. When I left, my bio-father just said "see ya", no hug, no nothing. Less than a year prior he was writing me warm loving letters and phone calls about how much I meant to him and he would just call me out of the blue to say hi. We had had no fight at all. Nothing. It didn't make sense and I was heartbroken and deeply confused. I even asked my biomom why he was acting that way and she said she didn't know, he was depressed etc. Seemed like she was grasping as to why also.
When I left for the airport and my b-mom drove us, we were all silent. I just instinctively new I would never again see her or him in my lifetime, and I did not know why. Oh, and on top of all of this, I was 6 months PREGNANT with their granddaughter at the time. They have no other grandchildren except through me, my siblings do not have children. I had felt before this trip that it was a new beginning, they would be apart of this child's life from birth. I had wanted them at the birth, I was going to name my daughter after my birth mother (actually a variation on the name she named me, my birth name, that was changed by my a-parents).
After this horrible "vacation", I wrote my biofather when I returned home and asked him point blank why things went so badly (in a nice way) and he wrote me back this rambling abusive letter about how I abused him and his family, I used his pool as a bathtub, alot of really insane things and although he didn't say it word for word, he didn't ever want to see me again. I was shocked, heartbroken, confused, really confused. I wrote him back a 17 page letter about how all I ever wanted was to know him and everyone and that was all, since I was 5 years old.
I had done nothing wrong to deserve this, it was insane. For the rest of my pregnancy I had anxiety attacks (first time in my life), I gave birth and within 6 weeks had severe postpartum anxiety/depression/insomnia, I actually had to be hospitalized for a month as I was not sleeping for more than 2 hours per night (I have no history of any mental health issues at all). I wasn't really focusing on them or that situation at all, but I really think that it was triggered at least in part by what went down with them 3 months earlier, as I didn't have alot of other stressors in my life. My bio family never again contacted me, never called after the birth (even though they knew the due date), never knew about my post partum hospitalization, never even knew the name of my child. My siblings never contacted me either, my mother and my sister blocked me on facebook, the only one that didn't was my brother, but he never spoke to me either.
A year later (2011), my brother out of the blue contacted me on my birthday, said he didn't understand why his parents were doing this either, it was all crazy, unfair, we need to reunite the family etc etc. It was a relief after a year of self-blame and confusion and depression to be finally vindicated to know I didn't do anything wrong. We wrote/called for a year back and forth, he has been great and supportive, but he is my only contact with the family.
This past year (2012), my brother called me (2 years after I had last seen my bio parents) to tell me that my father just was diagnosed with a brain tumour and had 6-12 months to live. He had had the tumour growing in his brain for years (not diagnosed), which caused the depression, personality changes and many other symptoms. In the end, when he was diagnosed, he was half crazed out of his mind, yelling in the hospital, saying crazy things, aggressive, argumentative, and downright ugly to his wife, children, and many others. It had completely altered his personality. He had surgery, but it was terminal and very aggressive, and he was left confused and altered. I was so messed up by this, it explained alot of what went down 2 years previously with his personality change, but at the same time, it's not like my mother or sister had a brain tumour. I could not explain away THEIR behaviour. At one point, my brother told me that in a lucid moment after the brain surgery, my biofather said he handled things very wrong with me. That made me sad to hear that, but he never contacted me.
I didn't know what to do. My heart wanted to contact them, to help them in any way I could, but my brain told me I was not wanted anymore, to stop hurting yourself, you have been through enough. I was still on medication for that depression/insomnia, although I was very stable.
Through much turmoil and reflection, I decided to not contact them. My father was not himself anyway, who knows what would have been the result, what would be the point, and my mother was so stressed that I just didn't want to add to it. To me, he was gone already anyway, from what I heard, he had trouble carrying on simple sentences and following simple instructions. I talked to my brother and helped in any way I could by researching treatments etc. In the back of my mind, I had hoped he would reach out to me, but to his dying day, he did not.
My biofather passed away last month. My brother contacted me within 2 hours. I was not invited to the funeral (which was 2000 miles away), although I and my children were mentioned as "beloved" in the obituary (I find that very ironic and unsettling and I kind of feel used, like it was a show for others because all extended family knew about my existence). I was not mentioned as his daughter though, just "extended family" (I am not really offended by that, whatever). I guess my mother knows my child's name now too since it was mentioned in the obituary... a "beloved" granddaughter they never cared to meet, or even saw a picture of. Life's greatest irony is that my daughter looks like my biomother, I see it in her face everyday. Regarding my father's passing, I feel forgotten, I am like a non person, it wasn't "really" my family, I wasn't allowed to grieve normally like everyone else, nobody besides my brother gave me a second thought, and I am left in this no man's land of grief, frustration, and lack of closure towards just about everything.
And so here I am now. I am grieving in so many ways. I miss the father I knew years ago, he was good to me. I am angry at the person he became (even though it was not his fault I guess). A good part of me says he didn't abandon others in his life, only me. Why me? I will never know and I don't even know if he could have answered that with any range of sanity. I am of course even angrier with my biomother, how could she do this to me. My father was very dominating all his life and he was the king of the castle so to speak, but to throw your own daughter under the bus like that? My sister, well, she always had very mixed feelings for me, and resented my presence a lot of the time in a quiet non-confrontational way, so her siding with her father in abandoning me is NOT a surprise, and I really don't hold alot of emotion for her anyway as I know her true soul. My parents even told me she always had trouble with the idea that I exist, she wanted to be the only girl. Selfish and childish, but true.
I just can't seem to move on. I miss my mother in my life (unfortunately), and I feel sorry for her in a way. Yet I am angry with her at the same time for not standing up enough for our relationship, even if we had to have a secret relationship because my father felt differently. I feel like I will never heal from this until I hear her side of the story. She has an extremely non-confrontational personality and hates any stress or arguments, she shuts down. So I can't see her ever contacting me, even if it means we all go to our death beds with no contact. My brother agrees. I just feel life is short and time goes by, my kids are growing up. I feel so unhealed, I don't want to be hurt again either, and I don't want my son hurt again like he was (how do your tell your son that his grandparents don't want anything to do with him - I had to!). I am scared of exposing my innocent 2 year old daughter. I wish I could just forget my biomom, but I can't. It haunts me, it creeps into my dreams, leaves me tormented. In my dreams I just stare her down until she lowers her eyes in shame, or I come in a room where she is laughing with her friends and I let her see that I am there, I seem to want to "remind" her in my dreams that I exist, and the shame she should feel for what she has done by abandoning me again. I hate that she seems to just move on, and I can't. Or maybe she hasn't moved on at at all, she's afraid of confrontation, especially knowing how badly she has behaved, who knows. But if I was in her shoes, I would never do what she is doing to me. I would make it right.
My reason for writing is to ask the wisdom of anyone reading this far as to whether I should just forget all of this and try to move on with my own life, or should I throw caution to the wind and contact her (even though I feel she doesn't deserve yet another chance in a way). I can't forget she just lost her husband of 40 years just a little over a month ago. I don't want to be insensitive. But if I did contact her, I would not do it with any aggression at this point. But again, I don't want to open myself to further hurt and confusion.
I just don't know if I can live the rest of my life in this limbo state. There is just something about your birth mother I think only other adult adoptees understand (and probably some birth mom's too). You cannot give up the search, the fight, the whatever, even if it takes years or a lifetime. I never yearn for my adoptive mother like this, it is much more "normal". But when times were good with my bioparents, I was healed in a way that nobody else in the world has ever done for me, I was elated, I was free and whole, finally. I was "home". It was indescribable really. I feel like the umbilical cord is still there and however much I would like to, I am emotionally unable to just cut it completely.
I don't have any words of wisdom today, bn2. I only wanted you to know that I've been thinking of you. This road is so very, very hard. (HUGS!)
I don't have any words of wisdom today, bn2. I only wanted you to know that I've been thinking of you. This road is so very, very hard. (HUGS!)
Thanks Moonbeam. I am actually OK about it for the most part. I go from being angry and still shocked to being almost genuinely happy/relieved that it's finally over, all the years of mixed emotions and unfulfilling relationship that never quite met my needs at all.
I also had a chance to have a good long talk (about 2 hours) on the phone with my full bio-brother who she raised. We get along great and he is the only one that has reached out to me after all this happened to say it was wrong how I was treated. I read him the letter I showed you guys and he pretty much could barely speak for a whole minute. He was shocked at her coldness. He said he honestly either expected no response at all or a much more empathetic honest one. After much discussion about it, we pretty much both feel the same way about this, he too wanted things to get back on track for all of us. He thought it was really big of me to even reach out to her at all after her not talking to me for 2 years. So now I am not the only one frustrated and disappointed in her lack of willingness to be real about anything, and to just shut me out like I am a stranger.
But he did say something I never knew or even considered. My bmother and my bsister live in the same city now since my bfather's death, they haven't lived in the same city for close to 20 years (although did live within 2 hours of eachother). Anyway, my brother says since our father's death, my bsister and bmother have been so codependent (his words) it is frightening. My mother relying on my sister for everything and then they take turns and switch roles. As if they are both are just lost without their 'guiding light' to tell them what to do and how to act and how to live (my bfather). And as he says that, I believe it, they are both woman/child -like. My father would tell my sister how to dress in her 30's (and many other things) and basically told my bmother how to think and act her whole life too.
Sooo... to make a long dyfunctional story short, my brother thinks that my sister may have been behind my mother's letter to me. That my bmother read it to my sister because she didn't know what to do with it (because my father isn't around to tell her) and my sister (who never wanted me in the picture since day 1 as "competition") likely said to my bmom "oh, what do you need this birth daughter for, what does she expect from you, to be a replacement mother or something? Tell her where to go..." or something like that.
And not that I excuse my bmother AT ALL in this, but they are really both pieces of work really. I don't even know if it went that way, but it ultimately doesn't really matter, my bmother still can't think for herself.
My brother was out of town for awhile, and is seeing our mother for the first time today in quite awhile. He says he is going to talk to her about why she would write such a cold heartless letter. This is coming from him now, I didn't ask him to. And I am neutral to him doing it - really I don't think it will ever change anything, nor do I really want a relationship with a woman like her anymore, and I TOTALLY don't care if she feels I invaded her privacy by showing my brother the letter... I normally wouldn't share letters, but I really don't care about her feelings or considering her needs anymore - I have half a mind to share this entire thread with her whole family, send out the link like spam, everyone should know how heartless she is... I wouldn't really do it, but it is an interesting thought.
The thing is I never did send her a reply to her letter. If my brother wants to talk to her, I would like her to know I was not looking for a replacement mom thank you very much and that it was cruel and unfair to say that now, put the blame on me as if it is my fault that the relationship ended.
Anyways, that's the latest on this situation. I did write a response to her email, but like some of you said I should, I am waiting until my anger subsides a bit before I decide whether to send it. Most of me is soooo beyond fed up with this whole situation that I don't really care either way whether I get the last word in or not. It is just so over between me and her.
As for my sister, I found out what her official line is as to why she doesn't talk to me either since my father sent his letter to me. My brother has asked her, and she says "I am very fulfilled in my life and I really have all the people I need in it already, there is no need for anymore people". Wow, that is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. She is one of the most completely UN-fulfilled, immature, confused and tormented people I have ever met. And she is almost 40 years old, certainly a time in your life where you should be alot more together than she is. My whole birth family is so screwed up and so out of touch with reality, only my brother somehow escaped.
I have come to realize over the past 2 years in particular, that my brother and I think, react and behave so much alike, even though we never grew up together, it's uncanny. I feel bad for him too, he's caught in the middle. And last night he said to me, I want to know you for the rest of my life, and I don't want anything to get in the way of it. Super nice of him :love: . I know he is frustrated with his mother and sister too and I must be a relief to him, as we can really talk. At least one good thing came out of this whole search. And when I started out, I never even thought about a brother...
Good for you. Thankfully your brother was able to give you some insight.
It's hard to understand the dynamics when you are in the middle of the situation. People grow up in families that make some situations the "norm" that we would deem ridiculous because we are not brainwashed.
I sometimes wonder how I would have been influenced but it's really not entirely predictable. We all have our own personalities and people fit in the dynamic and affect change.
I hope there is some clarity after your brother discusses what happened.
Give it all some time to brew. Their immediate reaction will be defensive I bet. Let them steep in their own juices for awhile and see what comes forth.
And last night he said to me, I want to know you for the rest of my life, and I don't want anything to get in the way of it.
That's wonderful. I'm glad you have him.
As for your b-mom, I'm sorry she is acting that way. In time things could change but for now I think it's understandable for you to just let it go. I hope someday you're able to have a better relationship with her.
I sometimes wonder how I would have been influenced but it's really not entirely predictable. We all have our own personalities and people fit in the dynamic and affect change.
This is a question I have asked myself for YEARS. Scares me in a weird way. Would I have been so submissive and dependent in response to such a controlling/aggressive/borderline abusive father? Would I have stood up to him in a way my sister/mother never did? Would my spirit have been broken so early in life that I would be a person today that I don't even know? Would all I have cared about is fashion and the latest gossip and live being scared of my own shadow?
I hope there is some clarity after your brother discusses what happened.
Give it all some time to brew. Their immediate reaction will be defensive I bet. Let them steep in their own juices for awhile and see what comes forth.
Neither me nor my brother expect much to come from it, she will just shut down when confronted with the contents of the letter. My brother is very sensitive and diplomatic, but I don't think it matters. Like he says, she would rather live in pain for years about all of this than confront it (his words). I too think her immediate reaction will be defensive and it will very likely stay that way for years to come, especially if my sister has that much influence. But maybe I am wrong, my bfather is gone now, the dynamic may readjust. My bmother is not even 60 years old yet, but looks 10 years younger, very fit and striking for her age, my husband suggested in the years to come she may find another partner, and that will change things for sure in who knows what way. But she is very used to having a pair bond, and somebody to guide her.
But regarding me, she is building a wall for herself here that will be very hard to tear down now, and she knows that. She is closing that door that everyone on these boards always say to leave a crack open. That's where my anger stems from when I look at the big picture.
I hope the fact that you and your brother see eye to eye brings some peace. You have likely been a breath of fresh to him.
I hope that bond continues.
Right now you are doing what's best for you. Take some time. Look at this a year or so down the road.
Perspective comes when you focus on something more positive. Today I am prowling around like a panther ready to snap someone's neck.
I am not sure why but I have enough sense to realize if I keep myself busy and do something with all of the tension; I will at least have used up some of the negative energy.
I keep searching though for some connection; not at peace. I look through real estate trying to find home. It's not a place or a house; it's a state of mind I can't seem to find.
I look at the phone willing it to ring somedays. I wonder how someone who means so much can be so removed.
I keep searching though for some connection; not at peace. I look through real estate trying to find home. It's not a place or a house; it's a state of mind I can't seem to find.
I find this interesting. That kind of thing has happened to me in dreams on a regular basis for years. Sometimes it's a person I'm looking for, but I don't know who. Sometimes it's an object or a place but again, I almost never know what or where. But I get the sense that I'll recognize it when I find it.
I just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone on this thread a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
This thread is the reason that I was able to "see the light" and work through my own hurts and fears regarding my reunion.
All of your words and thoughts helped me more than you will ever know - a chance to learn and grow and to move forward - thank you for that.
((HUGS)) to all of you.
Sorry it took awhile to respond.
God only knows. I wonder that myself all the time. I mean what do we do use a pry bar and keep prying the boards off as fast these people put them up or just sit there waiting until the run out of steam.
I don't know what I would have done growing up with them. Somehow though I think had I; my mother wouldn't be so filled with shame and the whole dynamic would have been different.
I am sorely tired of it all. But still hope springs eternal.
What a dilemma.
I just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone on this thread a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
This thread is the reason that I was able to "see the light" and work through my own hurts and fears regarding my reunion.
All of your words and thoughts helped me more than you will ever know - a chance to learn and grow and to move forward - thank you for that.
((HUGS)) to all of you.
I'm glad I was able to help with my story.
I have had to take a break from these boards and the intensity of what I went through "discovering" what my bmother was all about. Nothing has changed or developed. She wrote that letter as I showed it here, and I never did respond. Oh I actually did respond, with something long and angry, talking about her using and betraying me and my family. And that after 15 years in reunion I should be ostracized and excised like a cancer, and thrown away, for no reason other than she could not face her own guilt in how she treated me when things went bad with my bfather. I wrote all of this and never sent it. Why? I think deep down I know that it will be my final communication with her, ever, and I just can't face that. I think in the future there will be something more I want to say, and I will have "used" up my one chance. I don't know. Maybe by not responding, it is like the door is still open a crack. I know it's not, nor does she deserve it to be, but I can just never get up that courage to just click send on that letter. I also don't think it will heal me in any way either to tell her what a horrible person I think she is.
I still cannot believe this is my life, my "new" life, after having been in reunion for so long, I am "out" of reunion, no family, no connections, no birthday/holiday letters, no family updates. As if I never existed. I don't even "get" how somebody is capable of that. And to do that to my son too, at 11 years old. She was his grandmother, and one day she just walked out of his life and never spoke to him again. How does somebody just do that?
I feel broken by this, so many feelings of hurt and betrayal and sadness, and anger, it's hard to let it all go and just move on. Some days I am more successful at it, and some days I just ruminate on it. Healthy? Who knows. When I question whether I should be feeling this angry or am I too focused on it, my husband clears that quickly by saying how angry he is at her too, for what she did to me and our son. And it isn't even his mother/his betrayal.
I keep waiting for a sign that things are getting better for me, that I am becoming more accepting, that I think about her/the situation less often. Maybe it's happening, I am not sure. I just want this turmoil out of my life. I highly doubt she is in any turmoil, why should I be??
A person who knows her made a facebook page about her helping animals in her area (which she does). It showed pictures of her, and people responded in typical facebook style staying how wonderful she was, so caring, so kind, so inspirational. I wanted to vomit. I can't blame her personally for posting these pictures, but I just wanted to scream to all her "liking" friends what a 2 faced betraying piece of filth she really is, and how she hides herself in good deeds to dogs to make up for all the bad deeds she's done towards my family. If only my children had floppy ears and tails, maybe she would notice them. I am just sickened by the irony of how she rescues abandoned dogs, yet has no qualms about abandoning her own daughter and grandchildren. Abandoning me twice in a lifetime no less. The first time I forgave, but to do it again after 15 years in reunion, it's just something that makes my blood boil so hard I think I am never going to be good again.
Not only has she taken my birth family from me, she has changed me, and not for the better. I have never experienced such a betrayal in my life. I was married in my 20's and discovered my first husband cheated on me, and THIS is BY FAR more hurtful that my marriage ending. I don't know why the feelings are so intense, the anger so intense, the "unfairness" of it all so intense to me, and I guess I have no outlet for it, so it just brews. With my husband, I divorced him a year later, and that cleansed me so to speak. I left him, he was very hurt, I exacted my "revenge" if you want to call it that. With this, there are no daggers I can throw, it just all stays with me, the pain, the hurt the anger. And I just picture this carefree character that she is, just prancing around in her denial, blissfully moving on.
I just want to know how to end this. I have even thought of cutting off my relationship with my brother. As much as I enjoy contact with him, it's a double edged sword. It seems all we are able to talk about is "the situation". And if I get on the phone with him, even if we talk about other things, it's the elephant in the room. He went to go see his mother over Christmas, and his partner posted all kinds of pictures on facebook of their wonderful time. As soon as I saw that, I deleted my facebook account right then and there. I don't need to see that in my face. I originally opened the account so we can all keep in touch, and this was symbolically coming full circle and just ending that for good. Has it helped? No. Nothing seems to really help. Would cutting off my brother (my last tie to it all) help? Maybe. Maybe it would allow me to just push it all away, not keep it in the forefront. Is that fair to him? No. But none of this is fair. I am just trying to do the best I can for my sanity in this. Sadly, part of me wishes I knew how she felt about my relationship with my brother - does she secretly like it, it gives her some kind of in-road to know what's going on in my life, or does she hate it, because he will bring me up and talk to her about how terrible she is behaving. Regarding my brother, I want to do the thing that will cause her the more pain. Bad decision making, unfair to him, using him possibly, I know, but it's the truth of how I feel right now.
And talk about crazy, I am angry with my father that died at age 61, looking still so young, hair not even fully grey. I think of him, not in this world anymore, all of his money and all of his power, all for what now, he is dust in the wind. We all will be of course, but he was a character that was a little larger than life. I hate that he died in a way that never allowed me to know the real person he was, we were never given real time. He seemed to care for me before the brain tumor took hold in a real way, but I will never ever know the real truth, and why he took it upon himself to hate me so much in the end. What was it about me? I cannot take it personally, I really did nothing wrong, neither did my son. Did I represent the one big failure in his life, did I represent the one person in his family he couldn't completely control into submission? I don't know. All I know is that ironically I am strangely like him, when he was in good health, I could feel us on the same wavelength, we thought alike. We had similarities in thinking that are hard to put into words. I get my strong character from him, I know that, and my business sense, and my aptitudes for things like math and sciences. I was most like him of anybody in that family. everybody knew it. And that I lost that person, both to death and to the tumor for years before that, is hard to bear. Mix that in with a strange sense of hatred for him that he couldn't see past his own illness to see me, to see that I wanted and needed him in my life. He, like her, abandoned me twice. And I never was even invited to the funeral and nobody even knows my name or my strange twisted grief.
I guess I am asking alot to "get over it" since I received her letter. But it's such a stupid almost comical situation as to how everything ended. 3 years ago everything was fine, more than fine, with all of us. We were visiting back and forth, we were all good, not perfect, but good. Then bfather turns on me out of the blue, writes me a nastly f-u letter and to get out of his life, my bmother and bsister never speak to me again and just follow his lead (as always), and my brother also for an entire year. Fast forward and my brother recontacts me, and he pursues asking his parents why they are doing this to me, less that a year later we find out my bfather has terminal brain cancer. Well that explains why he did that to me! Well at that point you would think the whole family would again reunite with this being one big snafu, but no, my bmom and bsister stay silent. He passes away and they are still silent on the matter. I am nonexistent. I write her a letter as discussed on these boards, and then she writes me back telling me to move on with my life. I guess I just can't get closure and heal because it all just doesn't make sense.
Anyways, that's where I'm at most days now. I just wish I had a magic wand to forget them all.
I can relate to so much of what you describe. I know what you mean about keeping that door open a crack and not sending that final letter.
I know the seething anger with no where to direct it. It's not healthy but knowing it isn't doesn't make it disappear.
I have no answers. I wish I did.
My anger is dwindling merely because I can't picture them and when I do I see them as stuffed shirts incapable of relating to me.
I am not sure what I did as I am not sure what you did to deserve any of this. If it helps you are not alone in your frustration.
The ball is far removed from the courts it's out in some other galaxy for me. I can't fathom how to delve back into the disappointment.
The whole saving dogs thing is mind numbing. I would want to scream too. Just know there is somebody out here who understands. Don't judge yourself about this.
You have every right to feeling what you are feeling. I think deleting the facebook thing is a good idea. It would be like torture to watch her via that venue.
So good to see you back on here and I totally get it about taking a break!
I read your post and couldn't believe how raw and honest it was...and how much angst it caused me. It was raw and honest in a way that mirrors so close to my feelings - the waiting and wanting and not wanting to close the door...but wanting to close the door - on everyone, on everything, no matter if it is fair or not. I don't think I've spoken those words out loud, but I get it - totally get it.
Everyone tells me, "It's THEIR loss" - "It's better to have that negative energy out of your life" - "Look at the life you do have and how much you have to be thankful for" - and on and on and on. And, yes, while all that is so, so true, those words also hurt because then I feel guilty about spending so much of my thoughts on a family that doesn't really want me, doesn't know how to want me and that's all I really want...even with all of my many, many blessings. It's enough to make me want to run away from everyone and everything some days.
I don't regret finding my "family" but I do wish that they could stop being so selfish and close-hearted. That is the part I don't get. I wonder if they go to bed at night and think, "I'm a pretty awesome person even though I'm screwing with someone's heart." I couldn't live with myself if I acted like they have through all of this. I would be deeply ashamed of myself and my actions. But, at the end of the day, I have a feeling that they don't even think of me, that it is easier just to pretend I never happened, was never born, was never a part of their history...
That's enough deep thinking for today. I wish you nothing but peace, bn2 - for you, for me, for everyone trying to do the right thing. :love:
I just re read this whole thread because it helps to know I am not alone.
Thank God for that. The pain and disillusionment is so vivid. I can't for the life of me understand how people who choose to connect can simply disconnect and not fathom how cruel it is.
It's unreal.
Dear bn2,
I really appreciate reading your posts. I am very impressed with your honestly and your caring for yourself and your family. Such a difficult decision. I am an adoptive parent, and my children are still school age. My eldest, a boy, has been concerned and wanting to meet his adoptive family since he was three years old. Unfortunately he was adopted internationally, and this may not be possible, but I have promised him that when he is older, I will do everything to help. My youngest, a girl, also adopted internationally, is not interested at all in her birth family. Of course since this is a transracial adoption, both children have known they are adopted, and I told them everything I know, which is not much, many times during their child hood. So, it is very helpful to me to hear experiences of adult adoptees.
Thinking about your experience with your birth mother reminds me of several experiences I have had over the years with extended family members and my in laws. One was my father in law, who was very abusive to me, to my mother in law, and to his sister in law. No one in the family, even my husband would acknowledge the abusive behavior, as he was the 'patriarch' of this very 'traditional' family. Even some pretty crazy behavior, such as him standing ups at the dinner table and screaming at me and calling me an idiot for (as tactfully as possible) no allowing him to give my son food that my son was severely allergic to. My response was to calmly tell him that no one calls me an idiot, and then leave the room, with my two year old son, and come back to the table later in the evening and make my our dinner. My husband did not join me, but later told me he felt very bad about it. My husband is extremely not confrontational, but that is another issue. My mother in law would not speak or look at me for about three days after that, and everyone else either pretended nothing had happened or chided me for being rude. Of course it was extremely awkward continuing to stay in their house during the visit, but I had no choice. My father in law was verbally abusive to my mother in law until he passed away, and now he is considered a saint by all. Then, there is my mother - birth mother and I am not adopted, who definitely has a personality disorder, and I also feel that I need to protect my children from because she can also be downright mean and abusive. Some families just are very dysfunctional.
So, my feeling, for what it is worth, is that your birth families issues are there own, and not yours, however, why not give it another go. Surely, your birthmother really did enjoy your phone calls and savor your connection with her. She is obviously not perfect, but her problems are about her, not you. However, I would suggest working with a counselor about this complex issue, and also to help you set boundaries to protect yourself, and your children.