Hello, I am new to this board. I hope this is the appropriate place to post this! I am in the Tampa Bay Area, looking for an adoption agency. If anyone is familiar with or has a positive experience with an agency I would love to hear from you. This is my first adoption decision so I have never even contacted an agency. Thanks in advance. Advice is welcomed!
I hope you find a good agency - I believe there is a pinned thread somewhere where birth parents have listed agencies they have used and you can private message them for info.
There was also a very recent thread from an expectant parent from Florida who was pursuing adoption and worked with an agency that was horribly unethical. It might be a good idea to contact her to find out which agency that was so you can stay clear.
Good luck with whatever path you end up taking.
I am that birthparent. I am in the Tampa Area. I wish I could give you a reference for a GOOD agency, but PLEASE PM me once you choose one. I can let you know where I went.
This was my experience with them:
Even if you have any questions or concerns, please email me. I was in your shoes a couple months ago and I wish I had someone I could talk to so close.
Wonderful information been provided..You also consult Adoptionfirst whose mission is to provide children with loving families. They work directly with the birth mother and adoptive parents to ensure a successful adoption.
giving baby up for adoption[/URL]