Dear all, I am in the process of doing my homestudy and it requires us (the adoptive parents) to give information about our siblings. My husband has many siblings but they are serious troublemakers and "evil" and I don't even feel that they are worthy of being mentioned in the homestudy. Do these homestudy agencies really investigate each and every information in these homestudies, and would they know if we omitted this information like not putting down ALL of our sibling information?
Not an adoptive parent...
Lying is wrong...and I would hazard to guess that a simple check of the husbands SS# will expose the lie.
I kinda feel like you shouldn't lie about it because in general you shouldn't lie. Especially when you're doing this for the opportunity to raise someone else's child.
To maybe comfort you a little, the sibling info we provided was used as a conversation starter for how we grew up, what kind of relationships we have, how we communicate with others, etc. Our siblings were not used as any sort of barometer of how we would be or not be fit parents.
You probably wouldn't get away with it. Even if you don't put their names on the paperwork the sw will ask you straight out about your families, siblings, and how you grew up. You would have to outright lie and say DH doesn't have any siblings. As Dickons said, a background check would reveal the information easily anyway.
You wouldn't be turned down on the basis of your husbands siblings (unless they happen to live with you). You might be disqualified for lying, though. I wouldn't be afraid to tell the sw the story. You can explain that you don't agree with their behavior and don't have significant contact with them.
Thanks eagleswings. I didn't mention that they didn't contact or interview my siblings, either. The OP shouldn't worry about that.
Thanks everyone for your responses. I never had any intention of lying but its a very difficult situation with my inlaws who try to ruin each and everything you try to do. I know that if they knew my husband and I were trying to adopt, they would surely try to sabotage it, becasue they have done this before. That's why I was asking if we omit the info, how would it effect us. As long as the agency doesn't contact them, then I guess we are ok to put that information on there. I dislike them so much that I feel like they don't even deserve to be mentioned, they don't deserve that respect, you know? I'm not a bad person, I'm just trying to live my life peacefully but is hard when you have people like this in your life that no matter what you try to do to keep them out, they still manage to be a part of it, and make life miserable.
I did not put all my siblings down on my homestudy. I put down the full-, half-, and step-siblings that I was raised with, but omitted the half- and step-siblings that were raised by my father who I did not live with and who I only saw a handful of times at weekend visits. I did not intentially lie, I just do not consider them to be my family and felt no need in mentioning them.
I don't really think it matters much to your adoption either way. Unless they live with you, they will not need to be background checked and will not be contacted, so listing them should not effect your approval. On the other hand, if you choose not to list them, it is very unlikely that anyone will find out. The only thing I would be worried about in not listing them is that if they found out about the adoption and tried to sabotage it, you would be left explaining who these relatives are who you never claimed existed. For that reason, I probably would list them.
I listed all my siblings even the ones I have limited information on. When I listed them I indicated that I was not raised with them and do not have a relationship with them. I listed their names and their approximate year of birth.
I have two siblings whom I have a relationship with. The other 5 were just listed on there as full disclosure.
None were ever contacted for any reason.
I listed all my siblings even the ones I have limited information on. When I listed them I indicated that I was not raised with them and do not have a relationship with them. I listed their names and their approximate year of birth.
I have two siblings whom I have a relationship with. The other 5 were just listed on there as full disclosure.
None were ever contacted for any reason.
The instructions on our hs said to list all of them, because they will find out who they are in the background checks, and tell to what extent they would be involved with the child. That way, people like you are talking about don't negatively effect the hs, if they aren't going to be directly involved with the child.