We have had our 1st placement. Went good, they were moved to a family member.
#1 payment on one child only paid for 1/2 the time they were here, can not get the CW to call back and help me?
#2 now that we have no children in our home do we automatically go back onto a "waiting list"?
#3 are our names on a state list, county list, how do other counties get our information, that we are available? (we live in one county but are very close to another county)
#4 I am asking here, because it is almost impossible to get CW on the phone. I have been trying to call all week.
Thank you!
I'm sorry you are so frustrated and have such a hard time getting in touch with your worker.
Unfortunately, all of your questions are agency-specific. Someone who is working for or with your agency would be the only person who would have the answers.
If you cannot get hold of your specific worker, is there someone else at your agency who can help?
If communication with your case worker continues to be a problem, you might want to look at other agencies in your area. It's not good/easy to transfer, but it can be done.
How about contacting your licensing worker..
I call her after each placement to give her a heads up that we are looking for a placement. You should be put on the list right away. Although many times social workers "forget" to take remove kids not in your home anymore.
On the check your recieved their is usually a worker #. I would call your licensing worker, advocate or just the main CPS line and asked to be transfered to the worker with that #. They are the one who issued the check.
Its time to call the workers supervisor. Often workers go on vacation and dont tell you.