I was born as Jeremiah Reid on april 8 1977 at 2:18 am. in columbus ohio franklin county at mount caramel medical center. I want to find my parents and any siblings I now have if any. Please help.
Hi my name is Sean, I had a brother born on April 8th 1977 in Columbus Ohio. He was also adopted out in 1977. His birth name was Jeremiah James. I've been looking for him my whole life. Do you know anything about your birth parents or anything at all so we can compare and contrast our information.
Hi Sean:
Ohio's adoption laws have recently completely changed and they allow people adopted during your birth year to get a copy of their adoption records, non-identifying records, release of bio parents names....just about everything. You can check out what and how it works at this link:
Best of luck to you!
Terri E.
Adoption Angel