I live in Calif. Our state is 60% democratic. Many live in poverty, and we have a large portion of "state guests." I teach. I see so many kids waste education and not try. I see adults who act like kids, and I see people who work under the table without claiming income. Based on history, these people are going to be voting for Obama, and I have little hope to convince my state that without a good economy, we won't have people to tax for the services they take for granted. My state is nearly broke and they still have several tax initiatives on the ballet for "education." It's a joke.
The only hope I have is for Florida and Ohio to get out and vote for Romney. He will have a health plan. He did it in in state. Obama's health plan hasn't even gone into full force. By 2014 every business of 15 or more will have to pay for his idea. Not every business man makes big bucks. My dad alone paid $150,000 just to close his business.
I'm a teacher, so you'd think I would be supporting Obama because he is a democrat. Romney did more for his state's education than Obama as done as president. I reject my union's propaganda against Romney. Unions are scared because Romney supports charter schools and vouchers, a threat to traditional public schools. Truthfully, I would not want my daughter attending many public schools in my state, and I am a public school teacher.
Some female friends I know are scared of Romney because he is pro-life. As an adoptive parent, I know some moms are not capable of raising kids, but I thank God everyday that she was born. I know everyone has a circumstance. The fact is, the last three Republican presidents did not try to repeal abortion laws. The only thing pro-lifers might have to be concerned about is losing government funding of it. Yet in NYC alone, the abortion rate is 41% in some parts. I am not saying a pro-life president is needed, but I don't think anyone should fear and not vote for him because of that; the law won't change. It hasn't in 40 years.
Please help spread the word. Again, I have no agenda. I am just a mom speaking from her heart. My state has gone off the deep end, and I am hoping Floridians pulls us through.
Best wishes for a brighter tomorrow. Romney 2012