My daughter has cerebral palsy and is quickly outgrowing her wheelchair. Our insurance does not cover durable medical equipment. Does anyone have any resources for purchasing a used wheelchair? We need one that she can propel herself. Someone suggested checking Craigslist but everyone seems to want top dollar for their used equipment.
My question is how would someone without insurance or with insurance that provides limited coverage get medical equipment? The thought of having to pay for all of this worries me. Does anyone have any ideas or resources? Thank you!
Check with your local Lions Club - they do a lot of this type of helping in their community. I might have the wrong "club" here so hopefully if it is wrong others will correct... If that doesn't work look at other avenues - perhaps the March of Dimes? They help children with birth defects...reach out if they can't they may know who does. Kind regards,Dickons
I actually found our cheapest one at a garage sale, especially look at estate sales. Often older people get them and the families are eager to get rid of them after they pass. Check for any organizations that specialize in your child's condition. I was able to find organizations and support groups (that led me to more organizations that help amputees, and my friend found similar things for Spina Bifida.) So look for CP support groups and such online. Meanwhile watch craigs list a little and also hit estate sales. Some wheelchair stores may have used chairs for sale and also check with the hospital or clinics where she gets treatment. They may have resources as well.
How old is she and how big is she? Easter Seals has a loan closet here. Shriners might be able to help. Her school might also be able to provide one. I know they did for our DD when she had a power chair they did not like. I also wonder if you could get her on medicaid or your states child insurance program, which does cover DME.
have you contacted your school's counselor and/or nurse? ours was able to obtain a wheelchair for one of our students. i have no idea where they got it, it just magically appeared.
also, Key Club at your high school may help--they're the junior Kiwanas club. you could also contact your local VFW or American Legion. they often have benevolence funds as do churches.
Usually medical insurance (Part B) might get covered [URL=""]medical equipment[/URL] cost if your doctor prescribes its use at home. Depending on the type of equipment you will get cost coverage, but your doctor or equipment supplier should be enrolled in Medicare. However, different insurance has different policies; I think you will need to first check out them before coming on any decision.