It think that is also also depends on the rules of state you are in. Here there is no guarantee that you can adopt your foster child. It takes 12 months to get standing and that too can be denied. Family is considered first even if the child has been in your home for years. Family can come forward at nearly every point of the process (even after an adoptive match is made).
Here if caretaker status is not given to the foster family then the child must go to committee. The foster family is usually considered by the committee, but there are no guarantees. I know several great foster families that have not been chosen for their foster kids. These are homes are still open, but another family was better for that child.
We faced having to go to committee for our stbas because we did not have him 12 months. The cw apologized over and over, but kept saying the law was the law. Somehow at the last minute they found a loophole in the law and were able to ask for expedited status. We got it, but we could have been denied.
Adoption also take a long time finalize in my state, think 9, 12, 18 months. I am amazed how fast some of you go to adopt. My little guy was free in May and we are still waiting with no end in sight.