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You mentioned that she doesn't get to school til 9 - would it be possible to wake her up earlier so that maybe she is more tired at nap time?
I know first-hand how valuable nap time is, not only for the children, but also for the teachers. I was thinking, maybe she could go to an older classroom (do the 4's have a required nap time?) during nap, but maybe with her attachment issues that would do more harm than good. I know our 3 y/o classroom required the kids to lie down for 45 minutes quietly, but after that they had an activity table in the back of the room, away from the rest of the nappers. By that time, kids who are going to sleep, will - and the kids who aren't asleep most likely won't be anytime soon. This gives the teachers the peace they need to get some work done, and it gives the kids a little more manageable expecatations.
I absolutely empathize with your predicament - we have a 2 y/o FS who has delayed separation anxiety and attachment issues, and while we love his school, there are certain things that they simply cannot adjust to better serve his needs. It's frustrating, but I just remind myself, this will not last forever, and he will overcome. In the meantime, his school is a safe place, even if it's not perfect.
I am very surprised that your CW didn't think play therapy would help her. Our FS has been in play therapy since he entered care at around 18 months, and he's made huge improvements.
I hope you're able to come to some sort of compromise with the school. Good luck!