Before posting this, I had to view this line from the terms and conditions of the forums THREE times:
"No solicitation of parents, ever!: chat rooms, message boards and blogs are NOT places for adoptive parents and adoption professionals to solicit expectant parents. So many people visit the community that potential birthparents get "pounced on" from dozens of different people if this rule is not strictly observed. is committed to making its community of websites, chat rooms and blogs places where potential birthparents feel safe. It is not appropriate for adoption professionals or hopeful parents to post "I can help" messages or Internet addresses for potential birth parents to visit or to send this type of e-mail or private message to potential birth parents. "
With this bit from the terms and conditions, why is it okay for Gladney to be soliciting expectant mothers on this site, when it goes directly against your terms and conditons?
Please and thank you for the reply.