I was wondering if anyone knows if I can contest the adoption of my daughter. My rights were involuntarily terminated, however I never abused or neglected my daughter. It's a long story. I'm not on drugs or mentally ill either. I'll get into it another time. Right now I need to contest this adoption if I can. I do not have money for a lawyer so please don't tell me to get one. If I did, I'd probably have her right now and her baby sister would not be dead. I recently found out she had been adopted because I went on her paternal aunt's Facebook page. It was her paternal grandmother who adopted her, she has had her since 2007, against my wishes. The adoption was finalized on November 15, I believe. Please help. Thank you. :hissy:
Once an adoption is finalized, it is done. Unfortunately, if you did not want her adopted, you would have been having to pursue custody of her since 2007 actively (visits, case plan, financial support etc). After a certain period of time the child's rights to permanency supersede your rights to parent. She has been in the home 5 years - that's a life time to a child and adoption allows her to have a permanent place in that family and home.
I don't understand -- what do you mean when you say that if you had had a lawyer, your daughter's baby sister would not be dead???
My older daughter was removed by child welfare. I had to do "services" to be reunified. During that time I became pregnant with another child. She was born completely healthy. They removed her only because I had a case with my older daughter, and I was led to believe that I was successfully completing these services. She died while under their supervision because of the caregiver's incompetence. I tried to have her placed with my sister but they wouldn't do it. I fought for my daughters, even pursued a lawsuit for the death of my younger daughter but to no avail. I took my older daughter's case to the Supreme Court, without a lawyer, and was denied. I was in an abusive relationship, and as I tried to leave my older daughter's father, her grandmother who lived downstairs from us called them and had my daughter removed. I could not afford a lawyer. I have since had a son with my younger daughter's father, and they tried to remove him, too. This time I was able to get a lawyer and they did not touch him. It sickens me to know how many children are given back to horrible parents or left in hideous foster homes, while they take children away from loving parents just because they can. This person that adopted my daughter bought her own children drugs as teenagers. At four, my daughter had to have two of her teeth capped because she was eating too much candy. Her father who voluntarily gave up his rights, is allowed to see her as much as he wants and was recently spotted with her at a McDonald's. What is the point of terminating someone's rights if it's left up to the adoptive family whether or not the parents can see the child in the end? There has to be something I can do. I've contacted the ACLU for the second time and am waiting for a response. I will not give up on my daughter. It was wrong what they did. I guess they don't care about her anymore since they've received their adoption bonus. It is not my choice that she has been with this family for as long as she has. I never wanted her there in the first place. And if you want to go with the "time spent" philosophy then any child who has been kidnapped should not be returned to their parents, and that is exactly what has happened to my child.