hello! I'm new to this board and had some questions for those of you who have adopted or are in the process of adopting from Africa. We are currently in the middle of the Russia mess and aren't really sure where that will end up so we are considering other options for our family. We are currently considering adoption from Ethiopia. We have some concerns about raising an african-american child in a white family and even a predominantly white community. We have two biological children, and I feel confident that they will not find it a problem (in these types of things I think they are smarter than adults!). I wonder how you handled these differences and if you have encountered any problems with friends, family, or the community? How did you prepare yourselves before you brought your child home? Any suggestions about how to prepare yourself or your family? Any good resources to prepare or to even help make the decision if it is right for you?
We feel strongly that we have been called to adopt internationally, and have been devastated by the ban in Russia. Any suggestions or ideas you have will be appreciated!!
I see very little traffic in this forum.
You would get some real advice if you posted on the transracial adoption support board because there is much more than just inside your family to consider.
If that forum doesn't get enough answers, or discussion, you could post to the adoptive parent support board because from your questions, it isn't Ethiopian culture, it is about a black (Ethiopian) child growing up in a predominantly white culture.
Also read the many various older threads in the transracial forum, that have really good discussions tackling really hard subjects.
Kind regards,