I have found a wonderful little boy off the photolisting that i am interested in that has some special needs. But i was wondering can i get info about him before i submit my homestudy, like what kind of conditions does he actually have. Also can you contact a child's caseworker personally or does your case worker have to do it?
Workers are not going to release information about a child to you unless you can show you have been checked out and are not going to use the info for some nefarious purpose. The best way to show that is to provide them with your homestudy.
Submitting your homestudy for consideration isn't a promise of anything. It's perfectly fine to submit your homestudy, get additional information, and back out of consideration. Happens all the time.
It is sometimes possible for your caseworker to get additional information about a child without you submitting your homestudy. But it isn't the "normal" way to do it, so it has a high probability of failure. Either from people not making or returning telephone calls, or from verbal communication of medical terms. But it definitely never hurts to ask.
Whereas if you are tentatively matched with a child (because you submitted your homestudy for consideration), that often comes with permission to not only see their medical records, but to speak with the specialists who treat him.
Hello Rain19,
We have not completed our home study but have found some children through photolistings that we were interested in getting more information about but and every time I submitted an inquiry, no one would tell me anything unless I had my home study completed. Now, I know that I have to have it completed in order to get any kind of information on the children. Our home study will be complete at the end of this month :-)
Best wishes to you!