My Lo is 6 months old. Every month I send a letter and pictures to Birth mom. She has even written us back once. I was extremely excited when she did.
Well we are now getting ready for Finalization. I even bought Lo, Me and Bio mom identical Necklaces. I wanted to contact Bio mom and ask her to Lunch when we were back in the Birth state. With our with out Lo, her choice.
I have a phone number. I spoke to B mom on this # before. Bio mom told me to keep the number and call her any time. It took me a week to hit call. I call, ask for Her, and am told, "Who? Oh you have the wrong number.." It kinds sounded like her from what i remembered.
So I am kinda heart broken, I tried to call, and ither she 1. Know it was me and didn't want to talk to me. or 2. Disconnected her #.
I think in my next letter to her I will offer her a e mail address. I know she hurts, but I hope she is not avoiding me.
She may not be able to handle contact right now. I would not jump to conclusions.
I know our LO's bmom has a hard time with contact. She wants the updates, but it's really hard for her to respond back. I let her reach out when she wants additional contact. She can reach us by phone, email, FB or through the agency.
She prefers right now to contact us through the agency although she looks at all the FB updates as well. She stopped emailing and phoning within about 2 months of placement. I think it was just too hard.
So, don't take it personal. Each mom needs something different to heal and most of the time their response is not about us as much as it is about what's going on in their life. If you posted this on the AP side, you'd probably get more response from other AP's that have gone through the same thing.
My it is natural to avoid you from her side, give her some time and definitely it would be fine, I think perhaps the memory of her child is coming to her and she do not want to be sad, I think this is the reason she is trying to avoid you.