That person is nuts. She says rads like crazy girl instead of rad, I. One post she didn't k ow what concurrent meant, said she thought it was when kids stayed with you while the foster parents went on vacation, yet she says she has been through training and passed a home study. Something is not right. Her. Mom did foster care for years all ages and never had a kid with a behavior problem? I am on the iPad cause my laptop is acting up and I have. Pt figured out to do moderator things, another user has accused her of being someone else and she didn't deny it. Personally I want to smack her.
I deleted the thread as LemonPie seems to have called it.
The post IP for jamaicajazzfinest is the same at the registration IP for wishfulthinking.mac.
Ban both Crick? There isn't any way that could be a coincidence is there? The IP is through TMobile so I am not sure. None of their other Post IP's match up exactly but close. I will never understand the IP stuff!