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we chose TPR/adoption over KLG for most of the exact same reasons.
i refuse to live with bmom having control over my life. we also do cruises frequently. she did sign (willingly) for us to take him on one with us in sept. it was just a struggle to get her into CPS office to sign the papers since she knew they would request drug test. as it was, she went, signed and refused test.
i know if we KLG she would use that as manipulation, say, if she wanted to "borrow" money. she has used her older son as manipulation even before he was removed. she real quick learned we would bypass her and go thru his dad to get him on weekends... :evilgrin:
i think i would def try to go thru the GAL.
i really agree that KLG in NOT permanency. where i am, the courts PREFER adoption if the child is under 13.
goal for us changed to adoption in dec. everyone was on board except bmom and bdad lawyers. they, of course, are trying to push us for KLG. we said no way. let the state do their job!
good luck!