If a (minor) teen's parents kick them out, refuse to take them back, and do not make arrangements for them to stay elsewhere (ie, boarding school, with grandparents, etc.), do the parents automatically relinquish their parental rights to that child?
No. Relinquishing one's parental rights requires legal documents. The parents of the child still are the child's parents and can legally make decisions for that child, and legally be held liable for that child's actions, until a judge or legal papers say otherwise.
Also, if the child is not in foster care, then relinquishing their parental rights requires that another family be willing to step up and adopt the child. No state allows parents to simply relinquish without either the state or an adoptive family involved.
Hope that helps.
If the parents are not providing for the child, that is abandonment. I am guessing you have a particular situation that this post refers to; you can make a report to DHHS and they may become involved, but that may or may not result in TPR.