I posted a warning. This was LemonPie's reported post.
After thinking about it for a few minutes I decided to close the thread overnight to let things calm down. If I was wrong in doing this I apologize.
Wow! Bethany really got nasty!
It's funny as I was reading it right before I went to bed and thinking it still wasn't going half bad considering the topic. Sorry I jinxed it and went to bed! ;)
Well that thread went right off the reservation....
I think it's run it's course. Please tell me it's the moon phase or the weather that is causing so many people to be so nasty.
Here's Celia going off in her usual way:
And to those who don't like Skittles or Starburst. You have no right to eat chocolate unless you are also open to eating fruity candies as well. You're a candy racist, that's what you are. I've seen you eating M&Ms and Almond Joy, so I know you like all of those flavors. Statistics show that there are fewer people open to eating fruity candies than chocolate. They are all bad because they choose to not eat the fruity goodness. They worry people will think they may not have discriminating tastes if they are seen eating a Starburst today and then eating chocolate tomorrow. How will they explain their choices???? Oh the horror.
I'm really tired of Bethany & Nick only coming here when there is a thread on "not comfortable with fostering/adopting a black child but will do x or y race". I get their points but they are relentless in their views and not cool.
Leave it closed, it was the right call.:)
Thanks. I have been following that thread and, like Debbie said, thought that it was going 'ok'. I was just about to sign off when the notification from LemonPie came. I could hardly believe my eyes when I read through the last several posts.
Thanks for jinxing it Debbie. ;)
Love your analogy Celia. :D