I am the married mother of 4 children (3 bio, 1 step) and my wonderful hubby and I are in the process of adopting our three grandchildren.
They have lived with us off and on for several years. Parental rights are severed and we are playing the waiting game with the state.
Hoping for good news soon.
Best of luck to you!! We are adopting our great nephew, and we are also waiting for the state on their final decision so he can be placed with us. Until then, we are enjoying our visitations with him :)
I am really hoping to find some insight here. This has been a crazy ride and I don't see an end in sight anytime soon.
Thank you for the welcome.
Welcome to the rollercoaster ride! It is so worth it though :) I can't imagine our lives without our daughter!
totally agree with hkolln, rollercoaster and a half but i couldn't imagine life without Happy Baby now. We hope to finalize at the end of the year. best of luck and welcome
thank you all for the warm welcome!!! It will and is a roller coaster....I hate to admit it but I go from feeling like we are really doing the right thing to wondering if we have lost our minds. I am hoping with gets better and I question our sanity less and less