Move at will. I couldn't find a good place to ask this.
I am currently working an article, draft 2 that has gotten accepted by a magazine. The article is about the treatment of adoption in speculative fiction.
I am an adopted person who has ties to the adoptive parent community. My Aunt was a birth parent, but given that she has recently died, the possibility of getting my draft checked also became difficult. (Not to be cold... since I really loved that Aunt).
I need a few volunteers willing to check the article for errors--so I don't hurt the community I'm trying to help.
The article covers Star Wars, Harry Potter, Meet the Robinsons and Star Trek. It is 6,000 words, but I only need skimming.
I am trying to cover issues that are commonly believed to be problematic that the whole adoption community can rally behind. (And stay away from the disagreed areas.) I firmly believe that if we want the "and friends" part of adoption outside of our community, we need to tackle the world of media representation in a constructive way.
If you are interested, please contact me through PM or email at kim [underscore] yoon [underscore] mi at Yahoo [dot] com (no spaces). Please put a clear subject line if you do e-mail as I get spam...
Thank you very much.