Ok, im not so nervous anymore, certainly more excited. Our last Pride class is tomorrow, our first aid and cpr is set for May 18th. All we have left are home visits :happydance: Since we are going for 0-5, I just let myself pick up a few baby items, including a new car seat. Since my littlest is 10, we are literally starting over and it is so exciting!!! OK, just wanted to share :cheer:
It is exciting , isn't it ? We just got licensed last week though we don't have a placement yet. We have grown children & grandchildren, that live in another state , so we are starting over again also . It is so exciting but stressful waiting for the phone to ring . We are waiting to be placed with a foster to adopt girl 10-15yrs old. The waiting is killing me.
I have been working on "her" bedroom ,with really no idea what the unknown child's favorite color is, likes/ dislikes or even what kind of wall art . So I decided to just have the furniture ,sheets and blankets . I'll let her pick out the comforter ,curtains and wall decor.
I hope your phone rings soon :)
It is exciting! I can see how you could be thrown for a loop there, im sure the girl you get will really enjoy picking out some things herself. Good luck, I hope you get a call soon!!
Hooray, almost the home stretch. It won't be long before you are coming here with your first "oh my gosh, what is this!?!" post. Haha