Firecracker has not done well this year in school... Her social skills are terrible: when she is around kids her age she becomes a bully and also becomes very inappropriate to try and make friends. She's also still been stealing from teachers and students, still sexually inappropriate at school, and now she says all of the kids hate her (which I don't think is an exaggeration), because she has been so mean to them all year, and now they are being mean back. She complains that they are making fun of her for having been in foster care, but SHE is the one who was bragging about that! After trying and trying to work with the school on these issues, and no solution to be found... and I'm also sick her her having massive tantrums at home when her poor behavior at school was not addressed... I've decided the best solution for our family is to enroll her in virtual school online for next year.
My plan is to send her to school for 1 or 2 classes (i'll pick her favorite subjects- she has an A in math, but an F in English) at a public school, and then the rest of her classes she will do online. She has done extremely well at home for the past 4 months (except for the tantrums due to what occurred at school). Once she maintains an A or a B in the class and good behavior, then I'll add another class the next semester. Hopefully then I can wean her back into school, while giving her the time (and helping her earn) for extracurricular activities to help her learn appropriate social skills where I can monitor her. I enrolled her in one online class for the summer so we can give this a try before the fall.
All of this to say: The school finally completed the psych assessment I requested back in September to have the RAD put into the IEP, and they are now scheduling the IEP meeting for the end of this month. That's right- I scheduled a meeting in the beginning of the year so we could get her off to a good start, and they are now going to address these issues two weeks before school ends :grr: .
I need some help brain storming ideas of things I want put in the IEP to help my part-time homeschooling plan help her re-integrate. So, I'm thinking she should be required to bring home daily reports from her classes, and be required to sit away from other kids in the class (not in a group- we've had MANY issues with this). What else? I know the school isn't going to suggest anything, they haven't been very successful or helpful in managing her behavior, nor have they been consequencing her. Any ideas for the IEP would be helpful.
Have her sit by herself. Daily reports should include schoolwork and behaviors.
I thought the school had to schedule the IEP within a certain number of days??
Also, wow at no consequencing!!!
I thought the school had to schedule the IEP within a certain number of days??
Also, wow at no consequencing!!!
They'll schedule the IEP meetings, but without the psych assessment, there isn't much we can change because the RAD wasn't yet in the IEP. So I've been waiting for this assessment to be done for nearly the whole school year. We had this problem with a different school in our district with our FFS. It's just insane.
I WISH I was one of those parents who get constant calls about their child- but they never tell us anything! She was repeatedly punching a kid at school- nothing done or reported... performing oral $ex on a ruler in a gesture to a male student- she was given MULTIPLE warnings to stop by a teacher before given a referral... vandalizing the school bathroom with profanity about a teacher- nothing done... etc, etc, etc. :grr:
Thanks for the suggestions, I'm definitely including those!
ETA: ALSO: On her IEP progress reports they write "No inappropriate behaviors noted"- they finally stopped after the 4th month of me complaining that they are falsifying documents and it will result in my child losing much needed services. But they don't want to look like a "bad school" if they give too many referrals or suspensions. AHHHH!!!!!!
I think the idea of having her homeschool and do only short periods of time around her peers is a terrific solution!
I think you may want to start with just one class at the school, though, then slowly work in more as her social behavior improves.
Be warned, some online schools are not very well organized, so you will be doing much of the teaching.