Hey everyone. Im new on here and I need some advice.
It has been 8 months since my rights to my youngest daughter have been terminated. She is 3 years old now. Her new mom has been in my corner since day one and she has just presented me the opportunity tomorrow to see her for the first time in 8 months....and since the adoption.
Now I have completely come to terms with what has happened and couldn't ask for such a great outcome as we have had in developing a relationship that still involves my daughter. After the termination hearing New Mom was advised that if she chose to resume contact beyond photos and written updates that she wait a minimum of 3 years before even phone contact due to my daughter's age. So I have been preparing myself for s reunion after 3 years, not 8 months. Now I am pretty sure I can control any sobbing or hysterics. In the 22 months she was in care I taught myself not to cry in front of my daughter anyways.
But here is the question...What should I do? How should I act? I don't want to overwhelm or crowd her. I want her to absolutely love every moment we have together tomorrow so she will want to see me again. I want it to go ok so I can see her again, because morally I couldn't let myself again for a long long while if I did anything to upset her home life after a short visit with me. I already put her through enough.
So any advice would be greatly appreciated
Where are you meeting? Having things to focus on is helpful. Our first few visits post tpr were in a park. We focused on swings and slides. One thing my DDs BM did that seemed to work - she chatted with me quite a bit. I think that helped my slightly older daughter (5 at the time) feel she wasn't having to choose.
Good luck :cheer: