My name is Brian Louis Fedder, my ADOPTED name. I was adopted at birth and heres the only information I have.
1. I was born October 1, 1968
2. The adoption agency was Maryland ChildrenҒs Aid Society, Inc. in Westminster County. Mrs. Mattare and Miss Francis Mansfield handled my paperwork and adoption.
3. The Degree of Adoption was from Circuit Court #2 in Baltimore City, Md
4. My birth certificate states the hospital I was born in Hagerstown, Md. And the name of the hospital wasnt listed.
6. IҒm White and my faith is Hebrew.
7. The Fedder Tree on Ancestry is the ancestors of my adopted parents.
State of Maryland has found my mother and IҒm still in the process of reaching her. She lived in Alaska during the great flood, with my step-father and they had 2 sons and a daughter. All of them returned to Virginia. Im the result of my birth mother having an affair with my birth father. I donҒt believe my birth father ever knew about me. Since my DNA is retrieving hits Im hoping to find anyone in my birth family.
If you can be any help for me finding my blood family I would be forever grateful. My 4-yr old son has autism and I need medical information. Thank you and God Bless Җ Brian