This is my first time posting on this website. My husband & i were foster parents before, had 2 sets of foster kids (4 y/o girl) sibling set (5 y/o boy & 7 y/o girl). My husband & I are now wanting to adopt. Yesterday we met with the woman who is the adoption caseworker. She also did our foster home study.
This is our first time going through the adoption process.
I am wondering if anybody has any experience adopting through foster care?
Also I am wondering what is the difference between
1) adopting through county children & family services
I live in so. California- san bernardino county.
Vs- 2) Adopting through an organization like- Koinonia family services?
Is there any difference or are they the same?
I would appreciate any information.
Thank you,
I am a foster/adopt home currently in the same county. We started the processes in the beginning of 2012 and finished everything in August. We are straight through the county and I am very happy with it. We were placed with our STBAS in dec and we will be finalized in the next couple of months. Our little boy was 6 months old when we got him and he is now the light of our lives. The biggest reason I went straight through the county was it was completly free and they give county homes first "dibs" at any children, they only go to the agencies when they don't have any matches first through them. They told us there weren't a lot of babies but there are more than they let on from what I have learned. :rolleyes: