Hello everyone,
I'm finding that I can't say "no" when contacted about a potential placement. We've said "yes" every single time. (only been selected twice so far). Just contacted about an infant that needs immediate placement - I said yes to submit our HS. Knowing that we are SUPPOSED to be leaving the state next week for a 10 day vacation (already have court approval to take our FS). Does anyone else have that problem? I can't say "no" to any child in need that could potentially also be ours forever. I keep thinking the long term Pros should outweigh any short term obstacles? Right??
Has anyone taken a placement just prior to a vacation? How was it handled?
Ha! Yes totally. We actually just said no for the first time last night. And it was super hard. It was the exact kind of placement we were hoping to get when we started but we are going out of town next week and he had 2 visits a week (which would be a lot on top of everything else for our other foster baby and my bio kids). And honestly, I was just within keystrokes of emailing the placement guy and saying, never mind! Give me that baby!
This is my problem as well! We moved to a new state and are going through the home study process again, I was just telling the worker this is my biggest problem! I will say yes to anything, Im really going to try and stick to my age limits this time :)
I feel you we have had our original kids, currently boy 3, girls 4 and 5 for a year now, and last night we added 2 more boys ages 2 and 4. My husband had a dream last night that they all 5 stayed forever. I called it a nightmare. Can you imagine 5 teenagers at once?
Oh my KristieZ... the "Z" in your name is probably the only Z's you'll be getting for a while! Congrats though, sounds exciting!
Update: We were not chosen for the baby - I take that always as "wasn't meant to be"..and in this case, I feel relief because we have a lot going on right now.
Have a nice weekend everyone & thanks for the replies!
We said yes to a placement right before we were going out of town for vacation. They thought she'd be home before we left so they said don't worry about it. Some hang ups with paperwork and we still had her when it was time to leave so bio gave the ok for her to go with us and basically gave us an extra week with her :) My husband still pines for Sweetiepie
I've turned down 3 placements and said yes to 3 in the past month. I'm trying to not take on more than I can handle and at the moment, I can't handle more than this sweet girl who refuses to sleep through the night..,
I really need to stick to my guns on what our goals are- like we said we are "boys only".... but the placement we submitted for yesterday was a girl. :)
When we got the call for our current placement it was on a stressful afternoon (work stuff) plus I was really sick (fever, sinus infection, cold & barely had a voice).. In my head I was screaming "say no" over and over. What came out of my mouth...yes, of course. And thank God!
I said yes to him around 3pm- my agency CW said she'll let me know if we were chosen within an hour. Sooo I heard nothing, I was working from home that day so around 5:15 pm I assumed it was a "no" so I go upstairs to crawl into bed (had the fever chills at this point)... 5 mins later my cell rings from a blocked #.. "She says this is Ann from "CPS", I'm on my way to your house with the baby."
What! lol. I had 30 + mins to pull it together. Our little emergency placement guy is such a blessing and could be leading to adoption by us (on fast track thru courts).'s hard to say no, because you never know!
It is hard to say no! We've only recently become licensed, and our first call was about a year over our age range (our youngest bio son is about 2.5, and the oldest we wanted to foster would be just turned 2). I went to bed with a sick feeling in my stomach after saying no, but I found out that he was placed in another home in our agency no problem. Then we were glad we said no because two days later we got a call for a newborn! She is very likely a short-term placement, and we're completely fine with that as we start out, so I'm glad we can provide what would be very difficult or disappointing for many foster parents.