I was taken at birth without either of us seeing one another. I was legally adopted 6 weeks later, so no long time spent in foster care, i was their baby, no problems right?
what a sad pathetic sham.
the paperwork was signed against my mother's wishes, whilst she was in labour with me. this was the law in the uk at that time - it was the decision of an under-18's parents whether or not she would be allowed to keep her devoutly catholic at the time grandmother deciding on me to be adopted.
she signed me away whilst my mother was in labour with me
of course, she wouldn't have been allowed an abortion either though. but my mother has told me that she would have kept me had i not been aborted.
Well, I feel sorry for you and your mother. These rules just make living worse for people. I can understand what your mother must have gone through. But the good thing is that now you are in contact with your mother and you can be with her.
I'm so sorry to hear your story and your situation. I have a simular situation going on in my life too. My birthmother had me when she was seventeen and wanted to keep me, the adoption was a last minute thing and it was done because my birthfather was involved with the wrong crowd and they were thinking about my future. We just found out this year that my birthmother never signed any papers and that the social worker never came back. we have no idea how I was adopted. It's a very sticky situation. I am happy that you found your mother and now you can be with her and get a chance to know her. It is one of the best feelings in the world. congrats.
I wonder about a society that allows people to make decisions for other people based on whatever nonsense is in their heads. If a girl becomes pregnant and wants to keep the child for the love of God and all that is just; they should be supported to keep the child unless there is factual evidence that they will hurt the child.
As hard as it is to think about there are situations where there has been documented evidence that the child will be at risk.
Other than those instances; removing a child from the mother because of "stigmas" or lack of family support is wrong. We pay huge amounts of tax and in my mind supporting women who find themselves without any other support financially is where I want my money spent.