My husband's birthdate is Jan 14, 1982. He was adopted through an agency in NYC. He is of Irish and Italian descent. He is joining NY's adoption registry this week.We would appreciate any help in finding his birthparents.
I was also born and adopted in NY. Unfortunately, NY has among the most restrictive laws regarding its (mandatory) closed adoptions. He can try contacting the agency to see if there is any (non-identifying) information they can provide. Can he ask his (adoptive) parents for any records they might have? Sometimes a detail remains un-blacked-out on paperwork sent to adoptive parents, or a note might have been jotted down in a margin or SOMETHING could be in the adoption paperwork itself. It's worth asking, if that's at all possible.I was lucky - my dad recently gave me my birth mother's name (which, technically, he shouldn't have had) from the paperwork he was holding on to from my adoption. Obviously, that's a hugely helpful piece of information, and it made my search go more swiftly than I could have expected.But any piece of information can be helpful - the more you can gather, the better.I wish you (and him) luck.