Wait! Didn't I just write about court? Oh that's right, I did. this is another court date. At this court date the following things will be heard:
!. Termination of services for bio mother
2. De Facto Parent Status for us
3. Placement/Custody for GGP's
4. Termination of visits for GGP's (they haven't been having visits but supposedly were allowed to).
I'm really anxious. Very, very nervous and upset. Though we have so many people behind us, and good valid reasons for the girls to stay with us we all know judges can do anything. Also, since GGP's were apparently allowed to have visits and nobody knew that, and they've been not allowing them visits, I wonder if that will play a role. Pray for us, hope for us, cross your fingers for us. Whatever you do, please do it!
Praying for your family this week. So grandparents were supposed to have visits. Remind me, did the judge order this? Do grandparents have rights in your state. In my state, grandparents don't have visitation rights unless ordered by the judge.
Our state does not recognize grandparent rights but they had court ordered visits. Keep in mind they were going off and seeing the girls whenever they wanted at the family member's house but that is neither here nor there.
Thank you everyone for your support. These boards have been such a wonderful thing!
You and your girls have been through SO much already. I am praying that the tides turn and things get EASIER, SMOOTHER, and that adoption happens QUICK for your family so all of this nonsense drama will be over.
Prayers lifted up for your family!
Good luck, Mountain! I feel like you have already climbed a mountain...pun intended! Let us know as soon as you do.
Good luck, Mountain! I feel like you have already climbed a mountain...pun intended! Let us know as soon as you do.
Haha, I feel like we have as well. I'm out of breath!
I will be thinking of you! When is court? I will be lurking waiting for an update!
It's Friday a.m. unless it's continued for some reason. As it stands now though we are on. :popcorn:
I'm behind you 100%. Those GGPs don't have a relationship with the girls...too bad about their visits, but it is what it is. Those girls only know you and hopefully the judge will see that.
Good luck on Friday! I'll be thinking about you, so please make sure you let us know how it goes.
On another note, it looks like we will be going to court before the next scheduled hearing...or sooner than we thought.
I'm behind you 100%. Those GGPs don't have a relationship with the girls...too bad about their visits, but it is what it is. Those girls only know you and hopefully the judge will see that.
Good luck on Friday! I'll be thinking about you, so please make sure you let us know how it goes.
On another note, it looks like we will be going to court before the next scheduled hearing...or sooner than we thought.
The scary part is that the GGP's DO have a relationship with the girls. They've seen them almost daily up until December of last year. Then DHS denied them visits or said they could come once a month. They came once a month until March and then were denied because of serious behavior of Twin B.
The problem lies in the age, health and all the other factors of the GGP's. I have a lot of people who don't feel the girls should be moved but we know how that goes. Family is family regardless of how crappy it seems. They only went fro placement/custody when they realized they were moved to an adoptive placement and it started looking unlikely bio mom would get them back.
The scary part is that the GGP's DO have a relationship with the girls. They've seen them almost daily up until December of last year. Then DHS denied them visits or said they could come once a month. They came once a month until March and then were denied because of serious behavior of Twin B.
The problem lies in the age, health and all the other factors of the GGP's. I have a lot of people who don't feel the girls should be moved but we know how that goes. Family is family regardless of how crappy it seems. They only went fro placement/custody when they realized they were moved to an adoptive placement and it started looking unlikely bio mom would get them back.