Hi all,
I'm a single mom to a boy adopted 2007 from Ethiopia. I'm getting ready to pursue foster/adopt and wondered if anyone can tell me how different the HS for foster/adopt might be from the one I did for his international adoption?
Hi all,
I'm a single mom to a boy adopted 2007 from Ethiopia. I'm getting ready to pursue foster/adopt and wondered if anyone can tell me how different the HS for foster/adopt might be from the one I did for his international adoption?
I adopted my son domestically, and just had my homestudy for foster-adopt. It was fairly similar, except that she asked for a copy of my previous homestudy, so she already had a lot of information, so it went a lot quicker. The only difference is that we did it all in one longer visit rather than two shorter ones, and she is not meeting with any of my references in person, just phone and letters.
We were planning to adopt internationally, from Burundi. We were at the "waiting for a referral" stage, so the homestudy and dossier were complete. We then met a little girl who needed an adoptive family, along with her sisters. Our same agency does foster/adopt, so we asked to update our homestudy to include foster/adopt. We thought it would be really simple because we already had a current homestudy from the same agency. We basically had to start over with everything.
Since you are starting over anyway, I don't think you will find it much different. There is more training involved. Our agency had us do a "family activity" with our children while they evaluated us. The requirements for the home are a little more specific. We've now had four full homestudies, and they were all similar enough.
All the best!