Hi all!
Its been a while since my last post. I have been such a procrastinator. I found a home study agency and I am really pleased with my choice. They seem a lot more liberal than most in my state and they are also a little cheaper. What a relief. What I didn't expect was a huge stack of paper work. A huge stack 60 something pages including instructions. The background check stuff came in a different envelope.
I filled out the intake stuff and the credit check stuff but I have been delaying for about 3 weeks now because I have no clue how to write my autobiography. I am also getting really nervous about the home visit which hasn't been scheduled until all my paper work is in. I am my own worst enemy!!
Does anyone have any advice for me? I just need to get it done. I also need to do 10 hours of parenting class. Anxiety!!
Thanks for letting me vent.
Our agency also asked us to write autobiographies. It was rather easy for me (I'm used to writing) and extremely challenging for my husband. It took him nearly 3 weeks to write about two pages. I tried to be supportive and to help him. Here are few things that helped him:
- guidelines (did your agency give you that?)
- talking before writing. We talked over some topics before he wrote them down
- I made a list of leading questions for him. E.g.: what are your hobbies? how do you spend your free time? what is your occupation? tell few words about your company etc.
I wrote about 7 pages, he wrote 2. I have no idea what is "the normal size". I guess all people are different. For some it is easier to write, for some not. The idea of writing autobiography (from agency's perspective) is to give you time to reflect about your life.
So good luck in Hemingwaying :cheer:
We've finished all the paperwork few days ago and will bring it to our agency next week.