I am one of 3 families they are considering for a 7 year old boy. I am trying very hard not to get my hopes up but its very difficult. I am a single guy and I am 1500 miles away from him so I am not sure how good my chances are.
Being single with no other children can also be an advantage though, there is no other competition for attention and 1 on 1 time. I am hoping that works to my advantage.
He is ADHD which does not bother me, I raised my step son for 7 years (7-14) and he was ADHD and OCD. He is also way behind in school, he finished his 2nd year of kindergarten and they are not sure he is ready for 1st grade yet. Other then not wanting to mind once and a while that is really the extent of his issues, well I should say known issues. He has been in foster care for 18months and been in the same foster placement the whole time, which is encouraging. the foster father does not adopt, only does foster care so that is why he is not seeking adoption.
They are supposed to let me know the week of the 8th once the choice the matching committee makes is approved. Its going to be a long couple of weeks!
Nothing to add, but I wanted to wish you luck! I'm a single parent and adopted my son at age sixteen (that would be his age, not mine!). Best day of my life. And I do think being single, in my son's case, was vital to our success - no competition for attention and less acting out. Good luck to you. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Yes, Id also love an update....
If it happens, I would encourage you to not let the school push him into sped. (Special Ed) if he isn't ready for 1st. Go the 504 (not. Sure what its called in other states) route, because he very well could do fine if he can get caught up on reading. math will come. Obviously there has been a ton going on in this kids life.