Hey, just thought I'd check in and see if anyone else has been waiting and waiting.
Finished MAPP two months ago now and haven't heard a peep since. I know they are behind, but starting to worry that we've been forgotten. I emailed once to see if they needed anything else (mostly just to check in and see what was going on) and was given CW name of who was assigned to to our homestudy along with a "you will be contacted soon." That was 5 or 6 weeks ago now and still haven't heard anything.
We have had no home visits or inspections, but have finished all trainings, paperwork, references, fingerprints, etc.. We also have everything ready at the house (bedroom, fire extinguishers, locks on cabinets, evacuation routes up). I think I have now read every book recommended on here for preparation. Basically, feel like we have done everything on our end that there is to do.
Just wondering if anyone else is in the same boat or if others in this process are seeing more progress.
My brothers' keep teasing me and saying, "welcome to working with the government!" They both have government contracted jobs.
We are having our 2nd homestudy and inspection this week and will graduate from our MAPP class Aug. 12th. Things here have been moving a lot faster than expected, our CW said she wanted everything done by the time we finish our class, which makes things a little stressful!!
We are doing foster (but open to adoption), our CW told our MAPP class that if you were doing the home study for adoption that it could take over 2 months after class to get your homestudy started.
Good luck, hope you hear something soon
Thats awesome. Glad someone is at least seeing progress. We are actually fostering as well. We started with the idea of adopting, but realized that there is a huge need in our area for fostering. We are in Martin County.
Hopefully we find out what is going on soon. :)
We are still here too... We are now in our 2nd year of foster parenting and are also in the Martin County area. In the first year we fostered 5 little ones and we actually adopted one of our foster kiddos. Of our little ones, 3 were short term placements, one was for 8 months and of course the one we adopted. We currently do have our bed open, however that is due to us taking a short break after the adoption....
I know how hard the wait is, and trust me it is worth it. Even now I am impatient not having a little one in that bed so that we can help take care of them, hopefully make things a little better for them...
BTW: I am also impatient between placements, can't wait for the phone to ring, however so bummed when it doesn't. I always just think positive that all of the kiddos are okay right now, and none of them need us, however we are here when they do.
Wow. 5 in one year! We finally had our homestudy meetings this week. They said we would likely have our first placement as soon as next month.
So excited to see some progress and start moving forward again with this process.
Yes, we are still waiting...5 months in our florida county...don't know if it will ever happen???