My partner and I are just starting the process for fostering with the hopes of adopting. We submitted the paperwork July 10th and are signed up for the classes starting in August and we will be done with them October 10th! We are both very excited and a little nervous for the whole processes! I was wondering if there was anybody else in Oregon that has recently gone through this process and what the timeline looks like. I have found several older posts (2005 and 2006) saying that it has taken people in Oregon over a year waiting for the home study to be completed... Yikes!! Any advice on how to best expedite the process or how to stay sane during the process would be greatly appreciated!
I'm in OR. From the time we turned in our paperwork for the home study to the time we were liscenced was almost 5 months. We got our first placement 10 days later. We are straight foster.
We are hoping to adopt but are willing to take short term (or suspected short term placements) also. We have no bio kids. We have been able trying for several years with no luck... I have been enjoying reading all of the threads and have learned quite a bit from this forum..
Texas... I wish u good luck too. Where are you at in the process?
Live... its good to hear that it wasn't a year long wait for you...
I'm in Oregon. It took us a few days short of 6 months to be licensed, but part of that is that I had a broken finger and could not get fingerprinted at the regular time. We had a "be patient and just wait" period of about 9 weeks in the middle of that that most people just don't have. So - get your fingerprints done as soon as you are able, it can really delay things if you don't.
We got the call about our first foster child the day before we got the call that we were licensed.
Diane or live and learn...
Did the homestudy process start while you were attending the Foundations classes or did you need to complete the classes before they started the homestudy?
Diane-Thank you for the advice about the finger printing.
We received our fingerprinting instructions the first or second class, with instructions to do them as soon as possible. We received our homestudy questionairres around the fourth class or so, with instructions to turn them in before the last class.
The references were contacted after we turned in the questionaires. The home visit part of the homestudy started after absolutely everything was in our file - our questionaires were complete, our four references had returned their letters about us, our fingerprints had returned, and our Foundations classes were complete. Then and only then would a worker call us to schedule when she could come out to visit us and start the in-person and in-home parts of the homestudy.
Thank you for all of the information... Our assigned social worker sent us the questionnaire, the financial and medical paperwork, and we have already given them our reference Information. Is there more paper work to still be filled out?
We too are in OR! We have done our classes and have 2 of our home visits completed. They're expecting to get us our expedited certificate done this week and then we will continue to get our full cert. as for finger printing/home study packet, we were finger printed during session 6 and I do believe that's when we received our home study paperwork which was then turned in during our last class. My county is a bit back logged so it took 2 months to get our home study started after everything was turned in.
Depending what county you're in, I may be a guest speaker during your classes!
We're not in Oregon, but in Wa. So hello and good luck to a new set of foster parents in our neighboring state!! We got licensed in about 3 months.
Excited to follow your journey!
We are doing are classes out of order so I am not sure how that will change things... we are in a large county so I am guessing the process will take a little longer... I know the social workers are kept quite busy!
I am in Oregon. I have been certified for 13 years but I am aware of families that have been certified recently. The amount of time it takes really depends on the individual office where you are being certified. That said, Oregon DHS is terribly understaffed and EVERYTHING takes a long time. In the county where I live, it IS taking a year or longer to have a homestudy completed and adoptions are virtually on hold. What the agency does is perform an emergency certification if they need to place a child and then they do the homestudy later. Where are you located?
We are in Portland. So far I have got pretty quick responses from everyone that I have spoke with through the state, so hopefully that will be a sign of what is to come... Here's to wishful thinking.