We are about to start the process of becoming licensed in NJ but I'm nervous about what they ask you regarding finances. While we are doing ok now, we had a bankruptcy/foreclosure take place over a year ago and now I'm worried that it will reflect poorly on us and ruin our chances. Due to the bankruptcy, we show no payment history on our mtge since that time. We are in no threat of losing our house anytime soon (and are working with the lender to adjust rates and payment terms) but the fact remains that we show a delinquency on our mtge payments.
Since January my husband has had a very lucrative job (I am a SAHM) and we're doing absolutely fine financially to take care of our family. Our goal with getting licensed is to add to our family and now I fear that it won't be possible due to this.
Can someone who is licensed in NJ please tell me what information they were required to provide during the home study process regarding financials and housing verification? Also, if you know of anyone who is in our situation who fostered, please let me know if it affected their ability to become licensed as well.
Thanks in advance...
I only had to show insurance for my home and filled out a piece of paper listing expenditures which I could have put anything down since they didn't ask for any verification and they only asked for certain expenses anyway. They want to see that you can support your current family without the subsidy