In addition to her participation in the little bally-ho with Raven and co. yesterday she is responding to quite a few old threads bumping them up. Not sure if she doesn't realize they are old or there is something else going on. Not sure what my point is, she just keeps popping up on my radar as odd.
She drives me nuts. It almost seems as if she is trying to get in trouble, but holding back just enough.
Surely she can't be so ignorant of social etiquette. Her profile says she is here for 'support'.
Seems like she is someone we should keep an eye on for awhile.
It looks like she is mainly looking and responding to threads within the Adoptive Mother's Support board. I do find it odd that she made that post about mothers that got closed. She hasn't posted very much over the past year(only 134 posts total) and she hasn't be very active until recently. I predict we will be either putting her in Conventry soon, or banning her because she won't back down.
she's a baiter, just like her cohorts. I'm trying to ignore her for now and see if she shuts up. If not, we'll ban. I'm SO OVER THIS, if y'all can't tell!;)
She drives me nuts. It almost seems as if she is trying to get in trouble, but holding back just enough.
Yeah. I feel like she has an agenda. Or just too much time on her hands.
Though between here, Fertility, and PTA I am amazed at the amount of crazy. (Present company excluded of course! :) )
Deb, how can you continue to be amazed at the nutters here, there and everywhere after all these years!???;)
Deb, the fact that you are not amazed at our level of crazy is so comforting. :D
There is good crazy. And then there is 'OH DEAR GOD, SERIOUSLY?' crazy. I swear the Fertility forums draw that second group like months to a light.