Hello I am from NH and have a few questions. We did respite on a child about a month ago. During that time I took the child for paternity testing. In the meantime the child went back to the current fosterhome. We had expressed our interest in having the child stay or return if the paternity did not in fact pan out knowing that the fosterhome the child was in was not a long term/adoptive home.(we are). I contacted the childs case worker to see where things were going with the case,we wanted to check in on the kiddo. She told me that the paternity test was not a match and they were going to continue to search for family and she should know more about the case in a few months. Well that was 2 weeks ago on a Monday, by that Friday I had received the child's matching profile through my agency. I requested my caseworker send over our homestudy which he did immediately. Im not familiar with how the whole process of Match Meetings work in NH this meeting is happening this Friday I imagine they will have a ton of interested families but I was wondering if I had any better of a chance since we have cared for the child and we really had a great connection with him - They are now looking for a longterm/adoptive home although reunification is still the main goal.They want an adoptive home in the event reunification does not happen. I was asked by the cw the day I took the child to paternity if we would want the child to come back if things changed with the results and we said of course, so now I am baffled as to if this is all just a procedure they must follow. I was certainly thinking that moving the child to a family he knows and has cared for him before would be a more logical thing to do rather than matching him with a family who has had no connection. Any insight on this would be so helpful as we really would like to see the child return. we just want to seem the child to the end of whatever it may be whether its for a while or forever, we are willing to work with all family. The child is only a yr old so bonding is huge right now....Both offices know of our interest but it seems there is no communication. Should I just sit back now and wait until Friday or do I continue to call/email them/check in?Im so frustrated.