Found out last night that M's foster mom is moving end of Sept. Target date for placement with us was mid-Oct anyway, so we see no reason she should move twice. We have so far had five day visits with her, two weekend visits, and most recently a four night visit. We already have another weekend visit planned this weekend and are volunteering for a school trip with her next week. M has asked to move in with us at the end of the month vs. moving with her FM and then again in two weeks. She has already moved all but her clothes (well half of them) and a few toys to HER room here, so I can't see any reason her team won't agree to the move. It would be one thing if she was super bonded to her FM, but she was placed there the same week we were matched, so that is not the case.But for now waiting anxiously for an answer. :grr: I HATE waiting.