Hello! We are presuing adoption of a sibling set of 3 girls ages 5,3 and 17mts, they are legally free. We are PRAYING so hard for these babies and want them HOME:) My question is, are there a lot of families willing to take in this many at once? We have two boys almost 6 and 2 and a half. This is not a debate on if we should do this or not, we fully understand what we are doing, and know it will be hard work. Do you think we have a chance? Our homestudy reflects our desire to adopt up to 3. If anyone wants to fire up a prayer for us we would appreciate it! Their case worker said "You family looks amazing, are you sure you are going to be able to handle this many little kids? If so than, Great!" Does that sound like shes trying to be nice, or seriously considering us???? Thanks for any feedback! :female: :female: :female:
Depends on the needs of the girls. If they are high needs, then they may decide a family without other children would better fit their needs.
We added 2 and have 2 much older kids at home and it is HARD. Kids with trauma backgrounds ARE NOT your average kids. They require SO MUCH MORE. But if you are up to it, then I applaud you!
I know it is hard not to get your heart set on a profile, but if these don't become your forever kids, then it isn't meant to be and they are still out there.
If it is meant to be, then it will happen!
Good luck!
Thank you so much for prayers! It was a photo listing. We are working with a private agency, the listing is out of state... Im on the edge of my seat daily. So stressful! We just feel like they belong with us, anyone that has fallen in love with a photo listing Im sure knows how that feels...but they are meant to be HOME... AHHHH! Gods hands.:laundry:
How exciting! Yes, there are a ton of families that would love to adopt a young sibset and since they are on a photo listing there are likely a bunch of homestudies that have been submitted for them. It really depends on what the girls needs are for me to even venture a guess if you would be considered or not.
Five kids those ages can be a lot of fun, it can also be a nightmare lol :woohoo: Keep an eye out for red flags to protect your young bios. I know I will never take kids that close to my bios age again, done it twice and learned my lesson. I don't say that to scare you just as a caution.
If those girls are your forever babies I hope the process moves quickly for you!
I know you don't want advise, but I have to say that I wish, wish, WISH I had listened when people told me that having kids so close in age was going to be very hard. We thought we could handle it because we have 3 of our own and how hard could it be, right?
It is soooo much different with kids who have trauma issues (which is every kid in foster care).
I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to LISTEN to those who have been there. They really do know what they are talking about!
I know how stressful this whole waiting process can be... we are waiting also on a sibling group that just became legally free and we are in love with the kids so it makes the wait even harder and the fear of losing them that much more stressful...
Def. will pray for you and I know that GOD will bring you the perfect kids for you... rest in that. He knows just what you can handle and what the kids need and I trust that He will open and close doors in your situation to bring you just what you need!!!
The waiting is tough.... hugs to you!!
One very happy foster mommy who loves her coffee:coffee:
One very supportive, steady, amazing foster daddy :love:
Bio daughter age 7:cheer:
Bio daughter age 4:banana:
Foster son 18 months RU with Bio Dad:fish:
Foster daughter 6 wks old RU with bio grandma:wings:
Foster daughter 6 months old (had her since birth - hoping to adopt her and her sweet 3 yr. old brother):love:
Two sweet kiddos for Respite Care :banana:
You're kiddo's are out there... These kids sound like they will be tough if they photo listed them so young.
If it's your first placement, be very picky with what you want. Stick to what you want because a healthy ____ year old with stablity, and a confused _____ year old are harder to raise, and you will feel their pain.
We were not chosen.. We have switched agencies and are being relicensed with an agency that is much more proactive and professional. We are hopeful to get a placement soon:) We are open to kids heading for TPR or with rights already terminated as our goal is adoption, we had decided we are ready to help kids either way and eventually adopt:) Thanks for following up! Well keep you guys posted:thanks:
I'm sorry. Someone said it, You're kids are out there. We were not selected for a child we spent a great deal of time with doing respite care for. It broke our hearts. I don't know what state you are in, but the Heart Gallery (A Family for Every Child) in Eugene, Oregon is how we got connected to our son. I just felt like they understood how bad I wanted to be a mommy again and worked very hard and connected us with wonderful people. Oregon will send kids out but only if you are out of state.