Hi - wanted to see if anyone has been able to have both sides of their families as "friends" on facebook and it not be a problem. My a and b families don't know each other, just know of each other so I really don't think they would talk. I'm more worried about my amom and sister, who haven't handled reunion very well and feel threatened. That is the only reason I haven't "friended" aunts, cousins and even sibs on fbook that I would love to keep in better touch with. Any thoughts on this? It's been close to 3 years and I'd really love to not have to hide the other part of my life/family anymore. It would be very freeing, but scary for me to let them "see" each other.
Hi Chickadee, Scary isn't it? I don't have any close (a) family on facebook because they don't use it - but I do have extended family there and in-laws. I decided to create lists of people primarily because I wanted to maintain some privacy from some people who were on my friends list (old co-workers I'm not in touch with kind of thing but wanted to keep them as friends) also limited the volume on my newsfeed a lot. You could separate your friends into different groups so to speak. It takes a bit to figure out and I would suggest you try it with a trusted friend and change her to each group and send a message excluding that group to see if it showed up in her newsfeed. Did that make sense? When you go to post something the bottom right side of the tool bar gives me the drop down as to the list of people I want to see my post...that way if you wanted your family of birth to see something they could but not your family by adoption. I don't know how it works when others post on your page but I know if you are tagged in the post you can turn on the option of being notified before it posts in your timeline. Kind regards,Dickons
Chickadee - I don't remember how I did it but you should be able to search for it under "lists" - FB has a help page - what you post is only available to those who are on that list - you need to test to see if what someone on the list writes back is visible to all. You can on your own page view how your page looks to each friend - think that is the top right side. FB is down right now. Kind regards,Dickons
The lists are super easy. Go to your friends' walls and hover your mouse over the button that says "FRIEND." A menu will come up, and one of the options is "ADD TO LIST." It then gives you the option of creating a new list, which is what you want to do.
This method works great for me. I have a list specifically for my friends within the adoption community. That way, I don't have to continually trigger my family members, many of whom were traumatized by me giving up my son for adoption. I also have a list just for my gamer friends. That way I'm not continually spamming all of my friends' newsfeeds with game requests. I always select my "Gamer Friends" list for game requests or recent game activity.
Hi Chickadee,
Good luck to you with the list features. Please let us know how it works for you.
Your dilemma is one that is a big reason why I haven't signed up for Facebook with anything other than a throwaway account that I keep as anonymous as possible. I only use it to read political/activist info that is limited to Facebook and never "friend" anyone. (If it weren't for the fact that some of this organizing is happening only on Facebook, I wouldn't be signed up at all.)