Originally Posted By Kasey HamnerDear Friend,I am an adoptee who is currently working on my next book, which will delve into the main issues that affect ALL members of the adoption community and will describe how we have worked through them to a resolution. I am looking for input from anyone who has been touched by adoption. If you fall into any of these categories (or any combination of these categories):BIRTHPARENTADOPTEE (also if you out later in life)ADOPTIVE PARENTBIRTHGRANDPARENTADOPTIVE GRANDPARENTSIGNIFICANT OTHER OF A TRIAD MEMBERA PROSPECTIVE BIRTHPARENTA PROSPECTIVE ADOPTIVE PARENTMENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL RELATIVE OF A TRIAD MEMBERANYONE TOUCHED BY ADOPTIONPlease email me Or, send a note to:Kasey HamnerC/o Triad PublishingPO Box 299Verdugo City, CA 91046Depending on your preferences, I will either communicate with you via email or snail mail. If I use your story and input in the book, you will be given a complimentary copy of my book and credit will be given for your input. On the other hand, if you wish, your name and identifying information will be changed. Thank you so much. Kasey Hamner author of "Whose Child?"
Originally Posted By DorendaJust over one year ago, I adopted my step-daughter. After a trial in which the adoption was denied, the birth mother signed over her rights. There was more to this story. If you're interested, please let me know. I'd gladly share my story and experiences as would my daughter, who is 11 years old. She has expressed a desire to write a book about her life so far, so she can tell her experiences with this. My e-mail is Please contact me if you're interested in our story. Thank you.