Hi everyone. We have a placement currently that will most likely go to adoption and if we are presented with the option to adopt we will most likely go that route. My question is does the agency use some of the paperwork from our FC classes to complete the home study? Or do we have to fill it out all over again. Is the length of the home study shortened at all because we are licensed a licensed foster home? Thanks in advance for your help.
Mom to :wings: angel baby 1/1998
:cool: 7 y/o bio son
:prop: Bman current placement
Are you already a licensed foster adopt home or just foster? It should just be a small update to your homestudy. They will add the fosterchilds name and make it child specific. They will ask each family member how they feel about the adoption. They will make sure all the homestudy info is current. If you are just straight foster they might ask you about why you want to adopt, if you would support their efforts to find their birth parents in the future etc. We are about to go through a small update ourselves. Good luck!
As with everything.. this varies from state to state. In our case.. the adoption home study is actually a completely different thing from foster licensing. Its easier. Mainly they want to see that the kiddo is settled in and you seem like a family.
Depends were you are. We adopted our son less then a year ago, and have to go through the whole fingerprint/Dr. Statement/references etc spiel again. Ridiculous, we had STAD since birth, nothing has changed...but that's the laws...oh well...TPR WAS in September, we're looking at March to finalize.