"When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus." Matthew 1:24-25
Growing up adopted, I was not acquainted with many others adoptees. I remember thinking at one time that my sister and I were the only ones adopted. My 3 cousins who lived next door to us were my aunt and uncle's biological children and I don't remember meeting other adopted children. It was quite uncommon to talk openly about being adopted back then. Some adoptees were never told they were adopted and an adoptee's heritage was often hidden and kept secret back in the 50's & 60's. Because of this I felt different, a bit odd and a little ashamed of my status, even though I was very a happy and filled with gratitude for my adoptive family. As a young adult I was thrilled to awaken to the knowledge that being adopted was not rare, but that there were many of us. Each adoptee I met made my heart leap for joy as I felt the bond we shared. And discovering adoptees for the first time in literature like Anne of Green Gables, Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm, and Moses and Esther in the scriptures was a joy. But the greatest discovery came to me unexpectedly one morning in advent as I was pulling my Christmas decoration boxes out of storage. As I opened the nativity box and took out each special figurine to place them in the crèche, it dawned on me that Jesus was an adoptee too! He was born of Mary but adopted by her husband Joseph. How comforting to know that Jesus shared my adoptee journey. I can identify with him because he was raised by a parent who he was not genetically related to. He likely carried some of the same questions that I wrestled with as he looked into the eyes of Joseph. Though he did not see his physical features mirrored in his father, He saw an amazing dad who obeyed God's leading to adopt him and loved him unconditionally.
An Adoptee's Prayer:
Precious Jesus, How amazing it is for me to know that you are adopted too! No longer do I have to feel misunderstood or alone, for you have walked the path of one adopted. You have understand my life-long questions, my complex emotions and at times confusion over my dual identity. And you lovingly invite me to share all my concerns and feelings with you in prayer for you truly know my heart. What a treasured gift this is and I thank and praise you! Amen
Copyright 2013, Jody Moreen. This devotion may not be reprinted or copied in any media form without permission from the author.