I was born at St. Anne's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio on November 11,1959 (girl). I was referred to as "baby Tuttle". My adopted father says that was the last name of my birth mother. I have paper work that says she was 24 and a bookkeeper in a downtown bank Columbus and at the time had been employed there for 7 years. She returned to that job after the birth.The birth father was described as a semi truck driver and 27 years old. I do not know if he was aware of me. I was in a foster home until I was adopted which was a very short time (6 weeks?). I weighed 7 lbs.7 ozs. and was delivered by c-section. My birth mother was described as 4'11" and 85 lbs. with brown eyes and brown hair. I was adopted through The Ohio Children's Society.
Have you gotten your adoption decree and/or original birth certificate from the state of Ohio? If not, there's information on the Ohio State vital records site.
[url=]Adoption - Prior to 1964[/url]
You might be able to get your birth mother's first name from that, and can take your search further...