The bio's are now publicly posting pictures on websites. They also have distant bio relatives doing so as well. I'm very uncomfortable with this for several reasons.
My question is do they have a right to do this, especially if we ask them not to?
Thank you
Are the kids still in foster care or have you officially adopted them?
If TPR hasn't happened then they are still legally the parents and I'd say they have a right to post pictures of their children where ever they want.
Are they taking the pictures they are posting? or are you giving them to them?
And do the pictures include your bio children?
All of these things factor in to the response for me. You can ask them not to post pics that have your kids in them. You could technically insist they not post pictures that you took as they are copyright protected and property of the photographer automatically.
But I guess the it begs the question, why does it matter? Is RU the goal? If so, then why do you care that they are posting pics of their kids?
Has the court told them not to? If they haven't, and it's not an obvious safety issue, then I'm not sure that the court would care. . . .
Thanks for the response. The child is officially adopted. They have no ties with the child anymore. They are posting old pictures publicly and calling the child theirs. First off, I don't want my children online. Second, I believe for safety reasons the child shouldn't be online ie sexual predators and bio dad is in prison and has connections in the criminal world which makes me uneasy. Third, she is my child not theirs. I ask myself "would I post pictures of another family that has no contact with me and there is bad blood ie abuse" and the answer is NO. Absolutely no.
They are old pictures that were taken at a CPS visit.
Iam really curious if I have the right to demand they take down MY child's photo from social networking sites.
To the best of my knowledge, there is not a definitive answer to your question.
On the one hand, she IS YOUR CHILD. And yes, you have the right to ask that photos of your child be removed from social media.
And on the other hand, she WAS their child. And the photo was taken when she was their child. And they have the right to post photos of their child. Do they lose the right to post a photo that was legally taken, and that photo is legally owned, because they no longer have a legal claim to the subject of the photo?
Nobody has made a legal ruling about the legal right to post pictures of a child who used to be one person's and is now someone else's. It is a legal grey area that I do not believe has been clarified at all yet.
You can try to get them taken down, it doesn't hurt to try unless you think they would gain some benefit from knowing they annoyed you. Or you can ignore it because you know the truth, and know that the child is aging and will look less and less like that photo as the years go on.
Diane has good advice.
Additionally, it goes back to who took the photos? If they did, there's not much else you can do.
If you took them, they are copyrighted and you can report to fb that your pictures are being used without permission in violation of copyright. But you can only do that if you own the pictures.
It's possible that you can get fb to take them down as you are the legal parent and they are minors, but I'm not sure. You'd have to start by reporting the pictures to fb.
Or you could do what the rest of us do, which is copy the pictures and be thrilled for a glimpse into the life of your child before they came to you ;)
I have SCOURED the internet for pics of my kids from "before" they were mine and was able to find infant pictures that I had never seen (and showed visible signs of abuse and neglect). It was HARD to see - but those are my kids realities. :) Like the others have said, it is annoying as heck for people to post pics of our kids - but they are posting pics of their kids from back when they were THEIR kids, and there is not much you can do.
I understand your frustration and I understand it is typical for many bios to refuse to announce that they no longer have their children and will go on posting/sharing pics of the kiddos misleading others into thinking they actually have the kids in their care.
You can make a fuss about it if you think it will get the photos removed from FB, but the reality is, this is something that will eventually resolve itself. What are they going to do, repost photos of the child a year from now? Imagine how that will go over with all their FB friends when they realize the child has no aged.
I don't know if you have an open adoption, but if you do and the bios see her again, you can ask them not to take photos at the visit.
Or you could do what the rest of us do, which is copy the pictures and be thrilled for a glimpse into the life of your child before they came to you ;)
I panicked early on, aw well. I researched how to complain to facebook. But cooler heads prevailed
I reached out to J's BGM (whom I'd not spoken to)
Not only did i get copies of her baby pics, but she also sent up pictures of her BGM, cousin, uncles, and half brothers
Thank you for all the replies.
The child has been mine 3 days before birth, theoretically speaking. She has ALWAYS been our child. They tried reunification and my child almost died from it. It was the worst time of my life. Seeing pictures from traumatic visits where she was abused infuriates me. I want the pictures off for countless reasons, but the biggest reason is the disgusting abuse that had taken place in those pictures.
Thank you for all the replies.
The child has been mine 3 days before birth, theoretically speaking. She has ALWAYS been our child. They tried reunification and my child almost died from it. It was the worst time of my life. Seeing pictures from traumatic visits where she was abused infuriates me. I want the pictures off for countless reasons, but the biggest reason is the disgusting abuse that had taken place in those pictures.
You could try to have them taken down, the sight might them. Then they may put them on a different forum or sight. Or even get a face book and block you, put the pics up. You could never be 100 percent sure that they wont put them up again. If you can't get them off, then I would block their page or not go on their page.
sorry you're dealing with this, especially if there was abuse involved... did you change the childs name after the adoption? this way, whoever googles the child by name, will never see those pics, right?
my STAD is on youtube!! with her FULL name!! BM proudly announced this to me at the TPR trial... I was like, WHAT?? on youtube???? WITH HER NAME!!????
so, of course I looked it up, and it was the saddest thing to wittness.... here is my baby girl, being bounced up and down, to 'make her smile'... and she stares with big brown eyes, full of tears, into the camera... my heart broke for my little one, when I saw that... we are just SOOO glad that all this is behind her, no more 'making her smile' by basically strangers.
we are completely changing (well, we already call her by her new name for the last year or so) her first name, middle and last... so nobody will put ' Susi Smith' and 'Angela Buttercup' together, nobody will see those stupid videos of her, holding back her tears, grabbing her visitation bag, and saying: BYE BYE!! meaning, she want's to LEAVE NOW!
I only watched it once... too darn sad to watch it again.
hang in there, OP, as others stated, they only have so many OLD pics, and this too shall pass....
hugs to your littles!!