We are in the process of adopting two brothers four and five. The five year old is definetly on the autism spectrum. The four year old is a quandary for me. He makes poor eye contact and his emotions are all over the place. He is much better at making attachments to people then his brother but still I really feel there is something not right. I don't know what if any testing we should have done ? what does aspergers look like at 4? Any btdt ? Thanks
My daughter was diagnosed at age 9. Her then pediatrician had no idea what was wrong with ehr and continually prescribed one med or the other, nothing worked. We gfinally got the diagnosis and went from there. She is currently a high school senior who is in all main stream classes. I MUST SAY though in the article above it says: "Pretend play is not possible for kids with Aspergers' WRONG!!! My daughter LOVES pretend play and always has!! She has a very vivid imagination. Though some of what she quoted or said is from books or movies, she still used her own imagination for pretend play. So, it IS possible. Laurie Cruse DeReus, I agree, in that my childs doctor had o idea what she doing with my daughter. My husband and I had to go out on our own searching for information and answers, all while dealing with H*LL at my daughters various schools. She was bullied by other kids and made fun of by a teacher. Thankfully, the teachers are now more informed and trained which is why she is now doing so well.