Adopted Name: Stephen Joseph Brown ; Male, born 8/11/1969 San Francisco CA. ; Birth name most likely: Michael G. Williams Birth mom Williams.
My Non-ID For Birth mom: 1st seen by Dr. 6/16/69 and last seen by Dr. 8/6/69, age of patient 23y old. Age at time of birth 24y old. Born in Arkansas, and was Native American, Irish, and English descent. Protestant faith. She was 5' 7" tall, 130lb. She had auburn hair, brown eyes, and fair complexion. She completed the 11th grade and attended Business College. She was a dancer, and did clerical & cashier work. At about 13,14,or 16y of age she had 2 serious head injuries from roller-skating. Following the accidents, grand mal seizures & epilepsyy occurred. Poor teeth that required extensive work. Loved music & played the accordion. Marriages and sibling: "Your birth mother had 2 marriages and 1 child was born during the 2nd. your half sister was approximately 4y old at the time of your birth. She had light brown hair, hazel eyes, and was fair. She resided with your birth mother".
Maternal Family: Grandfather; was 45y at time of birth, 5'11" tall 155lb. Light brown hair, hazel eyes,and fair. He completed some high school and worked for a flooring company. Grandmother; was 44y at time of birth,5'7" tall 155lb. Black hair, hazel eyes, medium complexion. She graduated from high school and was a cosmetologist. (birth mother had 1 sister & 1 brother) Your aunt was 22y at time of birth. 5'5" tall 135lb. Blond hair, hazel eyes, & fair. She graduated from high school and worked as a computer technician. Your uncle was 15y at time of birth. 5'11 1/2" tall, average build. Blond hair, brown eyes, and medium complexion. He was a high school student. One of your bmom grandmothers was alive & well at time of birth. Birth family enjoyed music & art.
Birth father:Bmom did not know Bfather, and reports her pregnancy to ba the result of a forced situation. Bfather was Caucasian. (there is a little more on bmom's information)
My infant Non-ID info on CHS paper work: Male born full term, on August 11, 1969 at 11:50am at a hospital in San Francisco CA. 7lb. 11oz. 20" long. (There is more) During that time, your bmom expressed her love for you and her difficulty in planning adoption.
On 8/18/1969, released from hospital and placed with CHS. Pediatrician visit 8/20/1969 & 9/3/1969. Surgery was done (ask me). Pediatrician visit on 9/26/1969 & 10/17/1969 shots. you had dark hair, & medium complexion. You were aprox. 2weeks old when bmom signed relinquishment documents. You went to live with your adopted family on 10/26/1969. CHS of California consented to your adoption, which was granted by the Superior Court on 10/5/1970.
Thank you for reading. Look up my post for other info on me. Searching for roots, and hoping we all find them. Stephen J Brown DOB 8/11/1969 SFO CA.